Healing the nations through the love of God demonstrated in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
Friday, January 24, 2020
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Wise Women Build Nations 3
by Uyoyou Charles-Iyoha
Abigail is described as a very beautiful woman. She
was naturally, physically beautiful so she did not need all the extra beauty
aids that women often need to make themselves beautiful. She was a woman of
good understanding, a very wise woman who always resorted to the use of godly
wisdom in resolving contentious issues. She was a generous person. She packed
provisions for David and his men.
Unfortunately, she was married to a man the Bible
describes as harsh and evil in his doings (1st Samuel Chapter 25
verse 3). This man named Nabal (foolishness) was a very rich business man in
Carmel, though a descendant of Caleb. Apart from being harsh and evil in his
doings, Nabal lacked any refinement and this showed in his absolute lack of
divine communication skills. He simply did not know how to talk to people. He
was therefore rude and offensive 91st Samuel Chapter 25 verses 10 to
11). He talked down at people and had absolutely no regard for anyone. After
all, even his servants knew that Nabal was such a scoundrel that no one could
speak to him (1st Samuel Chapter 25 verse 17). Yet, Abigail never
quarreled with Nabal over his character flaws. Rather, she found creative ways
of navigating them using godly wisdom.
Life must have been terrible for Abigail living with
such a man. But I very much doubt it because the Bible describes Abigail as a
woman of good understanding. She had the God given wisdom to manage Nabal and
all of his character flaws; including his great love of wine and feasting. She
could tell when he was drunk and always refrained from discussions with him (1st
Samuel Chapter 25 verses 36 to 37). She was indeed a wise woman who did not
allow Nabal’s foolishness to affect her and impact her life negatively. But
Abigail knew how and when to speak to him.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Wise Women Build Nations 2
by Uyoyou Charles-Iyoha
Jechobed became pregnant at a time when Pharaoh
decreed the death of every male Hebrew child. Though the Bible does not mention
it, I want to assume that every pregnant Hebrew woman prayed to give birth to
female children so that their children would be spared. But not so Jechobed.
Descendant of the Levites and wife to a Levite, she bore a son at a time when
every Hebrew male child was carrying a death sentence.
One look at the child and Jechobed took a decision.
This child would not die. She successfully hid him for three months. Beloved,
though the Bible does not say so I believe that those three months were also
three months of deep level intercession for God to spare the life of the child.
And one bright morning, the answer to her prayers came. She got this divine
brilliant idea to take the baby to the River Nile. Also included in this
brilliant idea were protective measures to shield the baby from sinking, from
being eaten by crocs or other sea animals. So Jechobed set to work – she made
the ark, coated it with asphalt and pitch before placing the child in it. Then
very strategically, (I believe she was following divine instructions and
directions), she dropped the basket in the reeds by the river’s bank (Exodus
Chapter 2 verse 3) and left.
She did not go home to wail, to gossip, to be bemoan
her plight to her neighbours and family, to abuse Pharaoh, curse him for
decreeing the death of Hebrew male children. Beloved, I believe that Jechobed
went home to pray to the God who had been their Ebenezer, who had consistently
and safely led them from safe pregnancy to safe delivery, safe protection and
well being for three months and now safe temporary stay in the basket in the
reeds at the river’s bank.
Wise Women Build Nations
by Uyoyou Charles-Iyoha
is a wise woman? A wise woman is a woman who fears God – Job Chapter 28 verse
28 and deploys the wisdom garnered from the fear of God into homebuilding and
nation building. Wise women therefore build nations by building rock solid
homes filled with the presence of God. What does it take to build a home?
A number of women in the Bible as well as in history
are shining examples of women who paid attention to the plans and purposes of
God for their lives and emerged victorious despite the challenges and oppositions
that dogged their paths. Mary Slessor, Florence Nightingale, and the founder of
Foursquare Gospel Church.
Significantly, Jechobed, Hannah and Esther are
regular people, not prophetesses, priests or temple assistants. In point of
fact, they were regular housewives saddled with the day to day responsibilities
of managing their respective homes successfully. Yet, they set time aside to
spend with God in relating with Him first as their God as well as addressing
issues of concern.
This implies that every wise woman is a person who
spends quality time with God and not necessarily a prophetess, priest, or
temple assistant. It also means that the key to wisdom and progress is in the quality time spent with
God for as a person spends quality time with God in His word, quality praise
and worship, God reveals His mind, plans and purposes, divine strategies for
success and progress to the person (Psalm
23, 107 verses 1 to 7, 23 to 30).
It was when these women sought the face of God in
prayers and fasting and quality time in His presence that the storms in their
lives were calmed. God revealed the divine strategies for solving their
problems. In the case of Esther, it was a banquet at which Haman behaved
untowardly towards the queen and was consequently sentenced to death and hung
in his own gallows that he had built for Mordecai. Also, the Jews were spared
extinction. Hannah was led to make a vow that culminated in additional five
children after she released Samuel to God in fulfillment of her vow. Jechobed
tactically hid Moses for three months and when it was no longer convenient to
do so, God led her to keep him by the riverbank and arranged for Pharaoh’s
daughter be there then, see the young child and have compassion on the child.
Beloved, these are clear divine leading guidance and strategies.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Connect to Greatness in 2020
by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
is time to make and maintain the right connections. This is because doors of
nations will open to you in 2020 and beyond. God is bringing opportunities your
way, therefore be sensitive to the Holy Spirit so that you can sniff out and
identify the opportunities. Thereafter be strategic in utilizing the
is the Way maker and the opportunities are the ways He is making for you to
excel, to soar, rise above limitations and challenges into God’s best for you.
Open doors in the nations may come as challenges but please do not forget that
opportunities sometimes come as challenges and when properly processed, the
challenges become stepping stones to greatness. Please read 1st
Corinthians Chapter 16 verses 8 to 9, 15 verse 32, Acts Chapter 19, Revelation
Chapter 2 verses 1 to 7 and Ephesians Chapters 1 to 6.
can connect to that divine greatness prepared for you from the foundation of
the world by developing and maintaining an intimate relationship with God by
faith in Jesus Christ coupled with daily fellowship with God by His Holy
Spirit. May God give you the grace and wisdom to connect to Him and His
purposed greatness for your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom
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