Sunday, February 28, 2021

Pursue, Overtake and Recover All

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God created you to exercise dominion at all times even when it appears as if the enemy has the upper hand. The Amalekites had burned down Ziklag and taken the women and children captives yet God asked David to pursue and overtake them in order to recover all that the enemy had stolen

Though David and his men had no idea where to head to, they followed the leading of the Holy Spirit until they found the young Egyptian who gave accurate description of what happened and instructed them on where to head to. Eventually, David and his men caught up with the Amalekites who were celebrating too early. The women, children and livestock were not only recovered but other spoil was taken from the Amalekites. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 30, note verses 2 and 3, Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 8, Genesis Chapter 14 verses 12 to 16.

This resonates with the Scripture that the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against the enemy because the Spirit knows best what standard to raise against the enemy in order to quell satanic flood like attacks targeted at the nations. Please read Isaiah Chapter 59 verse 19, Psalm 93 verses 1 to 5, 124 and 118.

The physical walls of Jericho for instance came crashing down through praise to God because God asked the Israelites to praise Him rather than attempt to bring down the walls for which they had no weapons to do so. Please read Joshua Chapter 6 for details and spiritual insight. Nations and peoples of the nations may be or are experiencing satanic blockades which hinder their progress and development. Such blockades can also be likened to the walls of Jericho that attempt to stifle, contain progress in the nations. They are the satanic blockades orchestrated by the doctrines of men, persuasive words of human wisdom to stop the nations from worshipping God. Please read 1st Corinthians Chapter 2 verses 1 to 4. Quality praise to God by believers will bring all such walls down not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord God of Hosts Who is the Man of war and the Lord strong and mighty in battle. As the walls come down, the hearts of the people will be liberated to worship God in truth and spirit.

Witchcraft for instance is a work of the flesh, what a person, family or families, institutions and communities do to interfere to stop the progress of other people, for example, the attempt by Moab to stop the progress of Israel to the Promised Land through curses from Balaam. But God reversed the evil attempt and ensured that Balaam could not curse Israel. It is also what the young girl with the spirit of divination attempted against Paul and his team; distract them and the people they were preaching to by continually proclaiming that they were the servants of God. Fortunately, the Apostle Paul understood that as a trick of the enemy to interfere with preaching of the gospel and silenced the evil spirit casting it out of the slave girl. Please read Acts Chapter 16 verses 16 to 19. Thereafter, a good number of people were saved there.

Beloved, God has awesome power to destroy all such works of the flesh targeted at blinding the hearts of the peoples of the nations from serving God. Simply ask God in prayers to deal with every opportunistic satanic attack by the blood of Jesus Christ that speaks mercy for the healing of the nations. The blood of Jesus Christ will make up for whatever legal ground the enemy has against the nations. Please read Romans Chapter 3 verse 4, 1st John Chapter 3 verse 8, Isaiah Chapter 53 verses , Leviticus Chapter 26 verse 6, Ezekiel Chapter 34 verse 25, Isaiah Chapter 65 verse 22, 2nd Kings Chapter 7 verse 1, Exodus Chapter 23 verse 25

The siege against the nations for instance which is culminating in economic recessions, pandemics, youth restlessness, civil disobedience and violence is over not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord. Beloved, the satanic siege hovering over the nations is over because the precious blood of Jesus Christ shed for the remission of sins; the redemption of man is speaking mercy, forgiveness, cleansing for the nations.

God Almighty, the great I AM WHO I AM, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Shekinah glory of Israel, Jehovah Tsidekenu, Jehovah Rapha, the Ancient of Days, the Eternal Rock of Ages and Everlasting God is healing and restoring the nations by the precious blood of His Son Jesus Christ.

Therefore, let not your heart be troubled. He has answered your prayers concerning the healing of the nations. He has broken the gates of brass and cut down the bars of iron in sunder. He has destroyed the works of the devil concerning the nations. Therefore, no weapon fashioned against the nations anywhere by anyone shall see the light of day in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. It is a privilege to have God the Almighty, the El-Shaddai, Omniscient as my and your God. Thank You, Jesus. To God alone be all the glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.



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