Friday, March 26, 2021

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants would possess the gates of those who hated them. Please read Genesis Chapter 24 verse.

Your enemies are the devil and his cohorts who determinedly stand against your progress, God’s divine progress for your life and your nation. An example which readily comes to mind is that of the Israelites enroute to Canaan but were hindered from forward movement at the gates of Jericho because the people of Jericho shut their gates against the Israelites. With massive impenetrable walls and firmly locked gates, the Israelites could not move forward. But God Who always has the last word brought down the walls of Jericho by His great power. Jericho was not only burnt down, the people of Israel possessed the gates of their enemies and proceeded to Canaan unchallenged by the now dead people of Jericho.

Yet another example is that of Balak who hired Balaam to curse the Israelites so that they would not make progress to the land of Canaan. Beloved, God frustrated both Balak and Balaam and the Israelites possessed the gates of those who hated them.

God’s judgment on Mount Seir/Edom because of their ancient hatred/bitter hatred against the children of Israel is an important lesson on why people should not hate.. The Edomites had consistently teamed up with Israel’s cantankerous and wicked neighbors to always fight against Israel, shedding the blood of Israelites. However, God always dealt with the Edomites.

In the book of 2nd Chronicles Chapter 20, the Bible records how the Moabites and Ammonites turned against the Edomites and destroyed them completely before turning against each other to destroy themselves. Please take note of verses 21 to 29.

Where, when, how and why did Edom develop such bitter hatred for his brother Israel? After Jacob stole the blessings of the father from their father Isaac, the Bible records that Esau who later became known as Edom hated Jacob and took a decision to kill Jacob. Though they resolved their differences many years later, it is obvious that the harm had been done. How? It is possible that Esau must have told his children what Jacob did to him and his children also must have told their own children and it became a trans generational hatred culminating in the descendants of Esau (who had long become known as the Edomites and inhabitants of Mount Seir) always teaming up with the enemies of Israel against Israel). Please read Genesis Chapter 27 verse 41, Ezekiel Chapter. Unfortunately for the Edomites, God rose against them on account of their hatred for Israel.

Beloved, you do not have to run away from those who hate you and your nation. Rather, take control and drive out all the forces opposed to the perfect will of God for your nation. Ask God to intervene and route out all the opposition even as He routed out the Philistines in 1st Samuel Chapter 7; Goliath and his fellow Philistines in 1st Samuel Chapter 17. Do not entertain, do not accommodate; do not give right of way to the opposition. Your nation must survive in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Labor in prayers for God to dislodge the opposition no matter how fierce it is in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

David for instance took on Goliath by faith – he had never been to war, was not a trained soldier, did not own military dress and hardware and had never fought with military gadgets. But he was able to take on Goliath, brought him down and brought the victory which had eluded Israel for so long.

Beloved, consider what would have happened if David had taken to flight at the sight of Goliath as he boasted and ridiculed Israel! David would have simply run back home to spread fear and hopelessness. But as he acted in faith, faith replaced the fear that had immobilized Israel’s army to inaction and faith was rekindled, hope was restored and victory was sure.

That same victory will be yours in your nation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  There shall be no breakdown of law and order in the mighty name of Jesus Christ; no mayhem; no civil disobedience and insurrection; no civil war; no destruction of lives and property; no religious/ethnic wars; no criminality; no thieves, no armed robbers, assassins, kidnappers, ritual murderers, cultists, terrorists as well as drug addicts, prostitutes and all sexually immoral in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  1st John Chapter 3 verse 8.

Beloved, possess the gates of policy making and policies which are opposed to the perfect will of God, plans and purposes of God for your nation. The Lord will guide you and give you the requisite grace to succeed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...