Monday, April 15, 2019

Godly Leadership and National Development

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Bible records in Acts Chapter 10 that the Biblical Centurion of Caesarea called Cornelius was a devout man who feared God alongside his entire household; he also gave alms generously (it is one thing to give alms and another to give it generously as one can give out of obligation but generous giving comes from the heart. Additionally, Cornelius had the wonderful habit of praying to God always.

A leader who prays to God always is simply saying by that singular action that s/he has no power of his or her own and that s/he is wholly dependent on God for everything – his or her trust, confidence, mental processes, decisions and actions are guided by God alone. While such leaders are rare gems, they are greatly desired and urgently required in any nation. This is because such leaders will not take laws into their hands; they will not act according to the dictates of their flesh like Ahab who coveted Naboth’s vineyard and assented to the murder of Naboth so he could own Naboth’s vineyard. They will not be like Nebuchadnezzar who ordered the immediate execution of the wise men in Babylon simply because they could not his dream and the interpretation, same Nebuchadnezzar who raised up a statue and called for human worship and when Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego defied him , he had them thrown into the fiery furnace which fortunately did harm them.

Beloved, there are other rulers in the Bible and history who did far worse than these two Kings. That is because they were not dependent on God and they were not dependent on God because they had no fear of God.

Centurion Cornelius feared God and because he feared God, he did not assume of presume. He was sensitive to divine promptings (God opened his eyes to see the angel sent by God to him; God also opened Cornelius’ eyes of understanding to recognize the angel as a messenger of God). Subsequently, Cornelius obeyed to the letter every instruction given by the angel of God.

Hezekiah was a godly King who provided great leadership in Judah. He trusted in God and served God all through his reign in Judah. Additionally, he turned the hearts of the people back to God and restored the true worship of God in Judah. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapters 29 to 31. He was not ashamed of publicly declaring and practicing his love for God. He bowed and worshipped God publicly, he alongside other leaders in his cabinet commanded the Levites to sing quality praise to God (2nd Chronicles Chapter 29 verses 27 to 30). He also commanded the Levites to offer the burnt offering on the altar. He prayed for the people who did not remember to cleanse themselves and God listened to him and healed the people. Hezekiah encouraged the Levites and as the people and leaders of Judah turned to God completely, the Bible records that there was great joy in Jerusalem; culminating in the pronouncements of blessings on the people and leaders by the Priests and the Levites.

Beloved, Judah and the people of Judah enjoyed great spiritual, physical, economic and intellectual prosperity in the days of Hezekiah. Talk about godly leadership and national development and transformation; godly leadership is pivotal.

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