Friday, April 5, 2019

Averting Dangers 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Herod suddenly developed a new passion, albeit, an ungodly passion. It was the passion of killing believers, particularly the leadership of the Church. He had killed James the brother of John and when he discovered that the Jews were happy, he took a decision to also kill the Apostle Peter and had him locked up on death row; to be killed any moment. What a trying moment for the Church! James had recently been killed and Peter was next.

The Church was not prepared to suffer such losses more so when they realized that Herod’s actions were not the will of God for the Church. They took action and utilized one of the weapons of spiritual warfare – constant prayer, which is pray until you see the desired result. Significantly, the prayer sessions did not hold in the Church. They were held in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. Does God answer prayers? The fact that Peter was miraculously released from prison the night before he was to be killed in the morning is evidence, in point of fact great evidence that God answers prayers.

Keys to Averting Dangers

Total dependence and trust in God as in the cases of Jehoshaphat and the Judeans against the three allied armies of Moab, Ammon and Mount Seir recorded in 2nd Chronicles Chapter 20; and Hezekiah and the Judeans against Sennecherib and his arrogant army. Please read Isaiah Chapters 36 to 38 for details.

Additional cases include Daniel who opted to pray and be thrown in the den of lions. God honored his faith and saved him from being eaten by the lions. Unfortunately, his adversaries as well as members of their families were the ones who became delicious food for the hungry lions. Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego are also worthy of mention. They trusted God to deliver them and even if god did not deliver them, they would rather be thrown into the fiery furnace rather than bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s image. This implies that obedience to God rather than men is another way of averting dangers as God always come through for His own.

The application of divine wisdom as in the case of Jochebed when she chose to save Moses from Pharaoh’s unjust death sentence on all male Hebrew Children. Please read Exodus Chapters 1 and 2 for details.

Making prophetic declarations based on the word of God as well as clear instructions from the word of God is yet another way of averting dangers. This is evidenced in the case of the prophetic word uttered by the prophet Elisha when the severe famine caused by the long siege of the Syrians in Samaria became a reason for the practice of cannibalism by some people in Samaria.

Constant prayer as in the case of Peter who would have been killed by Herod but for the constant prayer vigil held by the Church in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. Please read Acts Chapter 12 for details.

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