Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Life on earth is an opportunity for eternity. So invest time for eternity by accomplishing purpose. You are born again for a purpose to rewrite history. 

Prophet Jeremiah thought he was a mere youth and so could not take on the divine task and responsibility of being a prophet; not only to the nation of Israel but to several nations. Beloved, God exceeded the expectations of Jeremiah as he obediently obeyed God and deployed the divine gift of God in him to the benefit of the nations. Jeremiah served Kings and nations as a prophet; rooting out and pulling down, to destroy and to throw down every planting that was not of God. What exactly should be uprooted and destroyed? Matthew Chapter 15 verses 1 to 13 gives a clear picture of what should be uprooted and destroyed – anything that is not of God; that is contrary to the truth of God, His word, His Person, His Holy Spirit. Please see also 2nd Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3 to 6 and 1st Timothy Chapter 1 verses 3 to 20. Jeremiah was also building and planting the righteousness and works of God in the nations. Please see Jeremiah Chapter 1 verses 1 to 10. Jeremiah did this through prophetic utterances guided by the Holy Spirit. He spoke to leaders of nations as directed by the Holy Spirit. Not once did Jeremiah dilute the truth of the word of God that He prophesied to bring about healing and restoration to the nations. Significantly and quite instructive is the fact that the Biblical Daniel picked up from where Jeremiah stopped. Daniel came across the prophecy by Jeremiah that God would restore Israel to their homeland after seventy years. Daniel took up fervent intercession for Israel. Not quite long, Israel was released from Babylonian captivity. Please see Jeremiah Chapter 29 and Daniel Chapter 9. 

Daniel arose in prayers and birthed the release of Israel in the realm of the spirit. Subsequent actions by King Cyrus as well as other Kings who favored the rebuilding of the temple coupled with the restoration of Jerusalem’s walls through Ezra and Nehemiah were physical manifestations of Daniel’s prayers occasioned by the prophecy of Jeremiah, documented and safeguarded for future generations that included Daniel. Beloved, are you a prophet called to bring about God’s healing and restoration to the peoples and nations of the world through prophecy? Then ARISE and speak as God would have you speak. God Who gives you the words knows how to bring about the manifestation. He also knows His prepared vessels who will eventually run with the prophecies and bring about speedy and relevant manifestation of the words. Your task and responsibility is to speak the healing words into existence. God will always perform what you speak by His Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Timothy, one of the spiritual sons and mentee of the Apostle Paul was instructed to deploy the divine gift of God in him to correct errors in the early Church at Ephesus by preaching and teaching the truth of God. In essence, Timothy’s job description was to provide godly edification as well as fervent intercession for the nations especially the leadership of the nations. This was to ensure peace and security as well as godly living in the nations. Please see 1st Timothy Chapters 1 verses 3 to 20; and 2 verses 1 to 8. Though Timothy was instructed to wage a good warfare with his divine gift, the warfare was not physical or mental; taking up physical or mental arms such as guns, spears, bombs, invectives, propaganda, slurs, etc. he warfare was spiritual; pray intercessory prayers ranging from praise, supplications, thanksgiving as well as the teaching of the undiluted word of God in addition to living a righteous life. That was how God speaking through Paul to give Timothy divine instructions expected Timothy to deploy the divine gift in him to uproot, pull down to destroy and to throw down whatever was not of God in Ephesus as well as the nations. To build and plant the righteousness of God, Timothy preached the truth of the Word of God, interceded and led an exemplary Christian life. Significantly, as with everyone blessed with divine gifts for healing the nations, Timothy was cautioned against walking and living in fear of anyone despite being a youth. Please see 1st Timothy Chapter 4 verse 12, 2nd Timothy Chapter 1 verses 6 to 7, Jeremiah Chapters 1 verses 4 to 20, 15 verses 15 to 21.

Beloved, you are greatly blessed of God to bring healing to the nations of the world. You do not have to hide any longer as the nations of the world are patiently waiting for you to bring them the good news of God’s healing unction and power to them. Will you then arise with God’s healings and bring succor to the nations? God is waiting for you. The nations are also waiting for you. ARISE


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