Monday, October 1, 2018

Praise Heals Peoples and Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation Chapter 4 verse 11.

Praise to God is always a sweet smelling savor, a worthy sacrifice which God always delights in and responds to. God is great and worthy to be praised. He deserves your praises and the praises of the peoples of the earth and the nations of the earth. To start with, God created you, the peoples of the nations and the nations of the earth as well as everything that resides in the earth. He did all of these for His pleasure. Please Revelation Chapter 4 verse 11.

Therefore, one of the great gifts you can give to God at all times is to praise Him. Give God praise in whatever situation, place or position you find yourself in.  Do not allow the circumstances overwhelm you; rather overwhelm and overcome the circumstances through praise and the undiluted word of God. The Psalmist noted that he would praise the Lord at all times and that the praise of God would always dwell in His mouth. Beloved, to praise God does not require and attract any monetary cost. Therefore there is no reason why anyone should not praise God. Every ingredient required to praise God is embedded in you – your voice, your mouth, your thought processes and imagination. All you need do is PRAISE.

Significantly, you can give God worthy praise in songs and dances because God is great, glorious, awesome, and full of goodness; always blessing His children with good things. Please read Psalm 84 verse 11. Beloved, if ever there was a time to praise the Lord, it is now. Praise the Lord, for His mercies, love, goodness and compassion. In His great love, He keeps you hale and hearty. Give God quality praise from the depths of your heart and experience the God of pleasant surprises who always makes a way where there is no way.

There is a connection between praise and heavenly blessings because sincere praises unlock blessings. Therefore, plant the great seeds of quality praise and reap great harvests of joy and unlimited divine blessings from the God Who alone does wonders and Who will come through for you in Jesus mighty name.

Nations who practice idolatry give the praise and glory due to God to idols. Such nations have ample time to turn to God so that they can enjoy the mercy and forgiveness of God because God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Please see Ezekiel Chapter 33 verses. Therefore, Celebrate Him in praise and songs and dances. Praise Him daily, at all times and reap the bountiful harvests of praise to God. God is great and worthy to be praised. God is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega, who alone knows the end, determines the true beginning of beginnings and the glorious end.

God is birthing new things in the nations that will bring the glory due to God. God in His might and power will bring down structures that attempt to compete for His glory so that the glory due to God returns to Him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Holiness, prosperity, food security, peace, no wars, no violence, truth and righteousness will reign in the land in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and to the glory of God, the Father. Please read Ezekiel Chapters 34 verses 25 to 31, 36 verses 8 to 38, Jeremiah Chapter 33 verses 6 to 9, Isaiah Chapter 62 verses 6 to 9, Proverbs Chapter 14 verse 34.

God is the God of Possibilities. Please read Mark Chapter 10 verse 27. With God, all things are possible. Why? He is God, the Creator and Owner of all things. Therefore He knows exactly what to do, how to do it, where to do it and why it has to be done to make all things possible. That was why angel Gabriel said to Mary in Luke Chapter 1 verse 37 that “ for with God nothing will be impossible”. He is God most high – He is not limited by anything and all power belongs to Him – everything, all of creation is subject to Him and must obey Him. There is therefore no reason to fear when God says He has removed the obstacles and barriers in your path and He is birthing new things in the nations. Beloved, PRAISE HIM and let the blessings and healings flow to the glory of His holy name.

No more limits in Jesus mighty name. Remain blessed and enlarged in Jesus mighty name. Shalom.

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