Tuesday, April 2, 2019

God is With You

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

What makes a Church a Church is the Presence of God in the Church. It is not the physical size of the structure in which the people gather to worship. It is also not the economic power or social status of the people. It is not the large number of people. Rather it is the Presence of God in the Church and in the personal lives of the people. It is also the personal relationships the people have with God that dovetail into the indwelling Presence of God in the people. This is what makes a Church the Church of God. It is not the finesse of the pastor, leadership or the finery in terms of dress, furniture, etc. It is the wholesome, awesome, sanctifying Presence of God in the midst of the people or in the building that makes the place a Church.

In like manner, what makes an individual strong, a family or nation strong is the Presence of God in that individual, family or nation.

The Biblical Samson remained strong and unbeaten as long as God was with him. But the moment he got careless and made known the source of his strength, the Presence of God in his life through his Nazrite hair, he lost his super human strength and became a slave to the Philistines. His strength however returned when he repented and his hair grew afresh.

Severally, the nation of Israel was defeated by nations who they ordinarily overran. This was because the nation of Israel sinned against God and lost the critical and very important Presence of God in their personal and national lives. A case in point was the defeat they suffered from Ai, a small nation they could have defeated easily. Please read Joshua Chapter 7. But the moment there was national repentance, the Presence of God came on strong and they not only defeated Ai but went on to defeat several nations to possess the land of Canaan.

Midian tormented and oppressed Israel severally because Israel had lost the Presence of God on account of sin. For seven years, Israel suffered huge losses but the moment there was national repentance and the Presence of God was restored in Israel, hitherto fearful Gideon who threshed wheat in a winepress for fear of the Midianites led Israel to a resounding victory against the Midianites. The torment and oppression of seven years came to an end.

David, the man after God’s heart carried and enjoyed the presence of God wherever he went. David was not afraid of any evil because God was with him at all times. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 16 verse 18. The Bible also records that that David became great because God was with him. Please read 2nd Samuel Chapter 5 verse 16 and 1st Chronicles Chapter 11 verse 9.

Saul was afraid of David because he realized that God was with him. In the battle field, God was with David and protected him from the dangers posed by the enemy. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 18 verses 12, 28; 16 verses 13 and 18; 2nd Samuel Chapter 5 verse 10.

Beloved, you need the Holy Spirit; your family needs the Holy Spirit, your Church needs the Holy Spirit, your community needs the Holy Spirit, the indwelling Presence of God to succeed. God lives in His people through His Holy Spirit; the Spirit of grace and supplication and you can resolve today to always have and carry the indwelling Presence of God in your life.

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