Sunday, August 25, 2019

Leadership Calls for Discipline

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

One of the hallmarks of leadership is discipline; the ability to subject certain desires, needs and wants to the goals of leadership. A leader should be able to subject certain needs, desires and wants to the goals of providing leadership.

Jesus Christ came to planet earth to manifest God as well as reconcile lost humanity to God as well as show humanity the way to the Father. To do this successfully, Jesus Christ subjected himself to great personal discipline. The Bible records that He humbled Himself to take on human flesh and though God; Jesus Christ subjected Himself to God and died on the cross, carrying the sins of estranged and lost humanity in order to reconcile humans back to God. As painful and shameful as that death on the cross was (considering that Jesus prayed about it in pains); He still went ahead to the cross so the will of God for Him and humanity would be done. To God alone be all the glory. Jesus Christ is indeed Lord.

Secondly, the Bible also records that Jesus Christ rose a great while before dawn to pray, significantly not even in His house but in the wilderness – solitary places where he could be alone with God; where He would not be distracted and He could be alone with God. He also chose the right time of the day when no one would be looking for Him or He would have people milling around Him to be attended to. Jesus sure knew how to invest time but such time investment calls for great discipline. The early hours of the day, especially what the Bible describes as a great while before dawn are actually the hours when sleep, I mean real physical sleep is really sweet. I can confidently say this because I love sleep. I really love to sleep but I am learning to like sleep because too much sleep is not good for anyone. I pray that God will help me to sleep when I should sleep and be awake when I should be awake in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

For Jesus Christ to sacrifice sleep at that time of the day is a pointer to how disciplined He was. Also, the fact that He went to solitary places speaks of far greater discipline, the discipline to separate Himself from the crowd to invest time to achieve God’s highest plans and purposes for both His life and humanity.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Speak Healing to the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

And now I commend you to God [placing you in His protective, loving care] and [I commend you] to the word of His grace [the counsel and promises of His unmerited favor]. His grace is able to build you up and to give you the [rightful] inheritance among all those who are sanctified [that is, among those who are set apart for God’s purpose—all believers]. Acts 20:32 Amplified Bible (AMP)

“Now I’m turning you over to God, our marvelous God whose gracious Word can make you into what he wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need in this community of holy friends. Acts 20:32 The Message (MSG)

Take conscious deliberate steps to ALWAYS be a blessing to humanity through the words you speak or write. This is because words whether spoken or written are powerful and make huge impacts on people. If your words impact people positively, then you are a city set on a hill which cannot be hidden.

The Bible describes pleasant words as health to the bones because pleasant words are like a honeycomb which brings sweetness to the soul. Please see Proverbs Chapter 16 verse 24. You can be used greatly of God to bring healing to the world by and with words you speak. Please read 1st Corinthians Chapter 12 verse 9, Proverbs Chapters 15 verses 30, 2, 7 and 12 verse 18, Revelation Chapter 22 verses 1 to 2, Ezekiel Chapter 47 verses 1 to 2.

Words which bring comfort, peace, edification, exhortation and encouragement have the capacity to bring healing to wounded hearts and hurting people. Please read Romans Chapter 10 verse 15, Isaiah Chapters 52 verses 7 to 9, 50 verses 4 to 5, and 61 verses 1 to 4; Luke Chapter 4 verses 17 to 19. Proclaim good news, good tidings, such as the word of God and the attendant benefits of the word of God so that the hearts of people who hear you will be guided by the word of God. Additionally, considering that the word of God has the capacity to build people up and give them an inheritance among the saints, you would have raised an army, a very great one for God through your utterances and writings. Acts Chapter 20 verse 32, Isaiah Chapters 52 verses 7 to 9.

Therefore, speak to the strengths of people. When you speak to the strengths of people especially by the Spirit of God, you inspire them to be who God created them be. This is because they are stirred up spiritually, mentally and physically to achieve. They also get to believe in God and themselves and their self esteem is heightened to be the best God created them to be. Gideon is a classic biblical example. Referred to as the mighty man of valor whom God was with; Gideon with the help of the Holy Spirit progressively became a warlord who defeated the Midianites and ended their oppression of Israel.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Significance of Prayer

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Jesus Christ gave believers a prayer template. Please read Matthew Chapter 6 verses 5 to 15 and Luke Chapter 11 verses 1 to 4.

For healing – James chapter 5 verses 13 to 18, 19 to 20, 2nd Kings Chapter 6.

To ask for forgiveness of sins – Psalm 51, Nehemiah chapter 1 , Ezra Chapters 8 verses 21 to 23, 10, Daniel Chapter 9, Exodus Chapter 32 verses 30 to 35, 1st Samuel Chapter 7, note verse 6, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 33 verses 12 to 19, 1st John Chapter 1 verses 8 to 10.

To give thanks and praise as well as worship and adoration to God; for Who He is, His loving kindness and faithfulness to humanity.

To reverse evil situations and evil descendancies  - 1st Chronicles Chapter 4 verses 9 to 10, 2nd Kings Chapter 2 verses 19 to 22, Acts Chapter 12, Esther Chapter 4 verses 16 to 17.

Prayer is diligent work. Jesus Christ often withdrew into the wilderness to pray. He even spent a whole night in prayers, about twelve hours. This speaks of focus and concentration, to be alone for that length of time praying, undisturbed and  not distracted. Also, Jesus’ choice of prayer time as well as prayer venue is very strategic and instructive. He woke up early in the morning; before daylight to pray. This is very significant and instructive.

He chose the very early hours of the day to start off the day in the Presence of God as well as avoid distractions and being disturbed; solitary places, again to avoid distraction. This means that prayer is a regular activity. It is not a one off activity.  Please read Luke Chapters 5 verse 16, 6 verse 12, Mark Chapter 1 verse 35. The Bible counsels to continue steadfastly in prayer in Romans chapter 12 verse 12 as well continue earnestly in Colossians Chapter 4 verse 2 and to labor fervently in prayers in Colossians Chapter 4 verse 12.

What to pray about is also significant, in point of fact very significant. The will of God should always be prayed for and about. Please read 1st John Chapters 5 verses 14 to 15, 3 verses 22 to 24, Ephesians Chapter 5 verses 17 to 18, Romans Chapter 12 verses 1 to 2. The how and content can be found in Luke Chapter 18 verses 9 to 14.

There is a difference between called to pray and driven to pray. Called to pray is a calling in which prayer is a way of life. It is the norm for the person called to pray to always pray irrespective of what the circumstances are. S/he prays because prayer is a fellowship between the person and God. In such instances, prayer topics and prayer items are usually determined and decided by God. That is to say that prayer items are the needs of God, dropped in the heart of the person who prays. S/he therefore prays the will and needs of God.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...