Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Level the Mountain of Ignorance 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Faith is literally tangible. Please read Hebrews Chapter 11 verses 1 to 2 and James Chapter 2 verses 1 to 18, and 20 to 26. The tangibility of faith is the work occasioned by a person’s faith. Noah for instance built the ark by faith (Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 7); the woman with the issue of blood demonstrated her faith by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment (Luke Chapter 8 verses 43 to 48); the centurion begged Jesus to speak the word (Matthew Chapter 8 verses 5 to 10, Psalm 107 verse 20). The centurion believed that the sent word of Jesus was as powerful as the Presence of Jesus. Jesus commended His faith. The actions of these people as well as those of several others in the Bible are the tangible evidence of their faith; faith propelled them to act. That is to say that faith is a propeller, a propeller that propels you to act; for instance, the paralytic and his friends who brought him in to Jesus through the roof displayed great faith.

Faith in God will make you pray always, you will not lose heart; you will not give up because you know that God answers prayers and will do what you are pleading with Him to do for you. Please read Luke Chapter 18 verses 1 to 8, 42, 8 verses 43 to 48, Matthew Chapter 9 verses 20 to 22 and Mark Chapter 5 verses 24 to 34.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God and not testimonies. Faith built on testimonies given by other people and not on the word of God is akin to the seeds which fell by the wayside; among thorns and on stony ground. Overtime, such faith is lost if the owner of such faith does not experience the kind of testimonies s/he heard. So also is the faith that is built on miracles. Faith in God should be anchored in God and His word. That is the enduring faith which receives the precious promises of God. Hebrews Chapter 10 verses 35 to 39. That is the faith which receives without seeing because the faith is based on the word of God and the word of God always produces great and good and precious results. Please read Hebrews Chapter 11.

Dimensions of Faith

Faith does not necessarily have to be great though it is best when it is great. But even if it is as little as a mustard seed, it can move mountains, relocate mountains (Matthew Chapter 17 verse 20). Ironically, the mustard seed is a very tiny seed (Mark Chapter 4 verses 31 to 32) yet when it is planted and grows up as a tree, it shelters birds from the whole world. In like manner, if you receive the word of God as the word of God in your heart (1st Thessalonians Chapter 2 verse 13) and allow the word to dwell in you richly in all wisdom (Colossians Chapter 3 verse 16) then the sky is the start point for the faith exploits God will use to do because the word of God will mix with faith in your heart and profit you. How does the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom? Through study, meditation, prophesying.

Absolute faith only believes God and His word. Some interesting and exciting examples in the Bible (Mark Chapters 9 verse 23, 5 verse 36) back to a real demonstration of faith by the woman with the issue of blood. Please read Mark Chapter 5 verses 25 to 34, Luke Chapter 1 verse 45; Elijah who prayed down rain after a drought period of three years (1st Kings Chapter 18 verses 42 to 46, Elijah’s faith was hinged on the word of God to him in 1st Kings Chapter 18 verse 1 where God told him to go and see Ahab and inform him that there would be rain in the land, James Chapter 5 verses 14 to 18. The Apostle James could speak confidently on the prayer of faith healing the sick because of the word of God that had gone forth in Exodus Chapters 15 verse 26, 23 verse 25, Psalm 103 verses 3 to 4, Isaiah Chapter 53 verses 1 to 5, 1st Peter 2 verse 24. Paul observed that someone listening to the gospel of Jesus Christ that he preached had faith to be healed and Paul spoke forth healing. The man described as a cripple from his mother’s womb got up and walked.

The patriarch Abraham believed the word of God; took God at His word without an ounce of doubt and it was accounted to him as righteousness. Quite significant and instructive is the fact that Abraham had no biblical examples to fall back on as is the case of present day Christians who have a plethora of biblical examples to fall back on in addition to the word of God.

Beloved, may God in His infinite mercy help you exercise great faith in Him and His word so that what appears to be mountains before you, the nations and the peoples of the nations will become plain ground in the mighty name of Jesus. Shalom.

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