Monday, March 22, 2021

Pursue, Overtake and Recover All 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Beloved, I have no idea what the enemy and his cohorts stole from you and your nation but those things can be recovered if you will up to God and give the enemy the hot pursuit of his life. It does not matter how far they have gone. Simply pursue them in prayers and whatever means God directs you to by His Spirit and you will recover all.

Goliath had succeeded in immobilizing the well-equipped and well-armed army of Israel for forty days and forty nights. That was plenty of time to crush a people’s spirit to submission. So as far as the Philistines were concerned, Israel had capitulated and would surrender in no time. But unknown to the Philistines, there was a young man whom God directed his teps to the camp to bring Goliath down. So after forty days and nights of oppression and torment, David rose up against Goliath and the oppression and torment ceased as Goliath was killed by David in minutes. The Israelites through David whom God used by His Spirit had successfully pursued, overtaken the Philistines and recovered all that the Philistines stole from them. Their confidence in God to deliver them was restored and they rose up confidently against the Philistines because a young man who had absolute trust in God dared to challenge Goliath. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 17 for details and insight.

The woman with the issue of blood did not give up in her quest for a cure despite all the negative reports and fail stories she had experienced. She pressed on and eventually was completely cured by the Master Healer Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ.

How about the widow of the indebted prophet? Indebtedness had become their family identity and history and had even progressed to a situation where her two sons would serve debt bondage. But the woman chose to deal with the issue of indebtedness by consulting with God through Prophet Elisha. After being instructed by Prophet Elisha on what to do, she embarked on a pursue, overtake and recover all mission so that her two sons would be spared the debt bondage. Thereafter, indebtedness, was no longer their family identity and history.

Beloved, you can be used mightily of God to recover whatever the enemy stole from your nation. Is it peace, is it security, is it financial abundance and freedom, is it the mental processes of the people; is it the people’s trust and confidence in God? All you need to do is allow yourself to be used of God like David and you will recover all. Like the widow of the indebted prophet, you can be used to rewrite your family history and like the woman with issue of blood, you cab used of God to pray debilitating ailments which are destroying people by the day from the nations.

Remember that it is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God. God, to Whom all power belongs will equip and arm you beyond your wildest imagination and you will recover all in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


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