Thursday, August 25, 2016

Clean and Safe Cities Initiative 1

Prevailing By The Spirit - Prayer Alert Vol. 2 No 1, 2016

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The will of God for His people is to have and live in clean and safe cities. It is also His desire that people take on the responsibility to be clean in their spirits, souls and bodies as well as their environments. That is why He instructs on clean environments in Deuteronomy Chapter 23 verses 12 to 14. Severally, in the book of Leviticus, God talks about washing to rid the body, clothes, homes and other implements of uncleanness and filth. This is to say that God abhors filth, in point of fact, any form of filth.

Filth varies from spiritual to mental and physical. Spiritual filth occurs in the spirit and is characterized by spiritual pollution such as idolatry and its extremities including the sustained practice of sorcery, divination and witchcraft that leads to demonic infestation and possession and of course control to do the bidding of demons. It takes the grace and wisdom as well as the power of God to be free of such filth.

Mental filth characterized by salacious mental processes that manifest in pornography,  voyeurism, masturbation, projecting ill will against other people, bitterness, resentment, envy and jealousy.

Physical filth on the other hand is glaring and easy to see – the waste people trash carelessly in their homes, on the streets, in public places, the stench from people who refuse to practice any form of personal hygiene. Most painful is when people trash indiscriminately, especially bodily waste on the streets; and then take a step further by actually defecating openly in street corners, gutters and drains and leave them in the open for other people to see. Apart from the fact that it is offensive to the sight, the malodorous smells from faeces and urine, and sometimes used sanitary towels of women are disease inducing and harmful to the environment if not properly disposed of.

Beloved, you and I are accountable to God to have and live in clean and safe environments. I therefore plead with you to daily cry out to God to help the people who have consistently refused to practice personal and environmental hygiene to begin to do so in Jesus mighty name. God bless you as you pray some of these prayer points. Hopefully, we shall look at safe cities in the next Prayer Alert. Shalom.

Prayer/Praise Items                   

Pray that God will heal the national psyche of filthy nations from filth to cleanliness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Pray that God will sanitize public health institutions and officials make them to be truly functional and effective so that they do not take bribes and ignore what they should do; there is no inefficiency in their work, and there is prompt allocation of all the resources they need to work with to ensure clean and safe cities in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Ask God to ensure provision of potable water by government and related agencies so that people have access to potable water in all the nations of the world.

Father, please, convict filthy nations of the sin of personal, community, state and national as well as regional filth and grant them  the grace to truly hate filth  in any form, repent of it and be daily committed to personal, family, community, state, national and regional hygiene on a daily basis in Jesus mighty name.

Father, please, make it impossible for people to defecate and wee in the open, public places, on the street corners, etc. No matter how pressed they are, dear Lord, make it impossible for their bodies to release the filth until they get to toilets in Jesus mighty name.

Father, make it possible for government and other public spirited individuals and organizations to provide public toilets that people can easily access so that people can use them.

Father, please, have mercy on nations and peoples that do not have the culture of using public toilets and help them to start using public toilet facilities in Jesus mighty name.

Father, please, make it possible for the public toilet facilities to be clean and well maintained in Jesus mighty name.

Father, please restrain people from trashing indiscriminately, whether in their homes, public places or in the streets.

Thank You for answered prayers, Lord, in Jesus mighty name I pray, AMEN.

Prevailing By the Spirit Prayer Alert is published by Olives International Prayer Network, a dynamic global body of Bible believing and practicing, Holy Spirit filled individuals, family prayer cells, community/city prayer cells, prayer ministries and churches committed to partnering with God to heal the nations through deep level intercession for the nations of the world.


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