Monday, January 28, 2019

The Power of His Name 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Emmanuel God With Us

The power of His name is reflected in His names and the connotations of His name. one of such names is Emmanuel which means God with Us.

God indwells His children through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, the gift of God that is given to those who obey God. Please read Acts Chapter 5 verse 32. It is no use asking for the infilling of the Holy Spirit if a person has no intention of obeying the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 46 verses 7, 11, Matthew Chapter 1 verse 23, Isaiah Chapters 7 verse 14 and 8 verses 9 to 10.

The Presence of God ensures and guarantees safety, security and deliverance from any of the attacks and projections of the enemy in any form. But for the Presence of God that was with the nation of Israel, Moab deploying the services of a spiritualist named Balaam would have succeeded in cursing Israel and bringing harm to Israel while on their way to the Promised Land. But God stayed both Balaam and Moab from carrying out their designs on Israel. Please read Numbers Chapter 23 verses 19 to 24.

Joshua and Caleb were aware of the Presence of God in their midst which explains why their testimony of Israel’s ability to take possession of the land easily differed from the fear, zero self esteem, doubt and unbelief expressed by the ten spies who were definitely unaware of the Presence of God in their midst and therefore expressed doubts and unbelief because they were looking at their personal strength and capacity rather than the awesome, powerful, sanctifying conquering Presence of God.

Beloved, God is able to give you all you need if you carry His holy Presence with you at all times. Ask Jabez, ask Gideon, ask Isaac, ask Moses, ask David, ask the Judeans and Jehoshaphat who brought down the awesome Presence of God with praise and their enemies were destroyed before them; ask King Solomon and the priests who could not continue ministering because of the awesome presence of God that came down on the temple and the people on account of the quality praise they offered to God.

Isaac – The Bible records that God was with Isaac and because God was with him, Isaac prospered. Isaac was fruitful and multiplied and became exceedingly prosperous to the point that the Philistines envied him. Please read Genesis Chapter 26 verses 3, 12 to 14, 28. Even the Philistines testified that God was with Isaac and for that reason, they entered into a covenant with Isaac.

Abraham also enjoyed the presence of God as he enjoyed divine protection wherever he went. King Abimelech and Phicol testified of the presence of God that was with Abraham. Please read Genesis Chapter 21 verse 21.

Joseph was surrounded with the presence of God and about everyone who interacted with Joseph in Egypt felt the great presence of God in the life of the young man. Please read Genesis Chapters 39 verses 2 to 6, 21 to 23; 4 and Acts Chapter 7 verse 9. Significantly,  the Presence of God in the life of Joseph was what spared him from all the evil his brothers intended against him because they envied him.

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