Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Place of Fiscal Discipline and Fiscal Integrity in the Healing of the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Biblical Nehemiah who served as governor in Jerusalem did not even collect his allowances and perks as governor. Rather, he supported the people of God and Jerusalem with his personal resources. He realized that state resources were small; the people were greatly impoverished having been in captivity for a while. So he did not even bother the people with extra taxes as some leaders do to raise income for their states and nations. Unfortunately, such monies are sometimes embezzled by corrupt officials thereby further impoverishing the state and the people. Beloved, Nehemiah is a good, godly and classic example of incorruptible leadership whose fiscal discipline and integrity contributed to the development of the people of Judah as well as the rehabilitation of Jerusalem.

Samuel was a great prophet in Israel feared and respected by all. On account of the power and authority conferred on him by God, he could have enriched himself at the expense of the people. Yet, he was content with whatever God blessed him with and at a point challenged the Israelites to speak up as to whether he collected anything from anyone. No one dared speak for Samuel had never received anything from anyone to enrich himself.

And Samuel said unto all Israel, Behold, I have hearkened unto your voice in all that ye said unto me, and have made a king over you. And now, behold, the king walketh before you: and I am old and grayheaded; and, behold, my sons [are] with you: and I have walked before you from my childhood unto this day. Behold, here I [am]: witness against me before the LORD, and before his anointed: whose ox have I taken? or whose ass have I taken? or whom have I defrauded? whom have I oppressed? or of whose hand have I received [any] bribe to blind mine eyes therewith? and I will restore it you. And they said, Thou hast not defrauded us, nor oppressed us, neither hast thou taken ought of any man's hand. And he said unto them, The LORD [is] witness against you, and his anointed [is] witness this day, that ye have not found ought in my hand. And they answered, [He is] witness. 1st Samuel Chapter 12 verses 1 to 5.

How about the Apostles who had access to the commonwealth contributed by the members of the early Church who sold their belongings and gave the proceeds to the Church? They did not steal any of the resources. That explains why the Apostle Peter said to the lame man at the Beautiful Gate that he had no money to give to him. The Apostle Paul also worked for his upkeep in the numerous Churches he planted and pastured.

Such resources are also holy unto the Lord (Leviticus Chapter 2 verse 10, 7 verses 30 to 38, 27 verses 30 to 31) and should therefore be handled respectfully. Please see Numbers Chapters 16 verses 117 to 19, 37 to 40, 2nd Samuel Chapter 6 verses 6 to 7, 1st Samuel Chapter 6 verses 19 to 20, Daniel Chapter 5 verses 1 to 5, 22 to 30, Acts Chapter 4 verses 34 to 37, 5 verses 1 to 11, 1st Corinthians Chapter 11 verses 20 to 34.

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