Saturday, February 2, 2019

Peter’s Vision

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Acts Chapter 10 verse 28.

Peter’s vision is instructive of how rigidity to certain belief systems can limit a person’s scope in about every area of life. As far as Peter was concerned, he had no business with unclean meat. But God had other plans for Peter, greater than his finite understanding of unclean meat and how unclean meat can be cleansed by God, and the ever cleansing and sanctifying blood of Jesus Christ.

Peter’s vision helped to expand Peter’s horizon of ministry which was hitherto exclusive and limited to a certain race. Peter did not realize that ministry for him as well as the other apostles was for all of humanity. But for the timely vision, Peter would not have accompanied the people Cornelius sent to him to meet with Cornelius and his household. The visit to Cornelius coupled with the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Cornelius and members of his household stretched the scope of ministry for Peter. Additionally, Peter dropped his exclusionary practices to allow for inclusion of all people into the kingdom of God.

There are lessons worth learning from Peter’s vision. God’s love and salvation is for everybody irrespective of race and socio-economic backgrounds. It is not for specific families, communities, ethnic groups, race or nations. Therefore, stretch your borders beyond where you are now – extend the borders to accommodate God’s inclusion of other ethnic nationalities; expansion beyond your immediate environs and understanding. Discard orientation, belief systems and relationships which limit, resist inclusion and inclusionary practices which will bring about the expansion God is bringing your way.

Additionally, Peter’s vision shows the significance and import of preparation to good success. While Cornelius was waiting for the Apostle Peter and the men he sent to Peter, Cornelius prepared for Peter’s visit. How on earth Cornelius believed that Peter would agree to come see him, a Gentile baffles me. But beloved, God was in full control of the situation and wanted Cornelius, his relatives and friends to be heirs of salvation irrespective of their ethnicities. So God gave Cornelius great faith – the faith to believe the angel, to promptly respond to the instructions of the angel to send for Peter and significantly, the fact that God took care of every doubt that Peter could have entertained through Peter’s vision. God is indeed great.

Also significant is that Cornelius prepared. He called his relatives and close friends to hear what Peter would say to him and them. Please see Acts Chapter 10 verse 24. Also recall that the angel told had told Cornelius that Peter would tell him what to do (Acts Chapter 10 verses 4 to 6). Cornelius was proactive. He did not wait for Peter to get to his home before sending for his relatives and close friends. They were all at Cornelius’ home; waiting for Peter to arrive. Unknown to Peter who would not eat unclean meat, God had a ready harvest of souls patiently waiting for Peter to speak the word of faith and salvation.

Beloved, the Bible records that while Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the Word (Acts Chapter 10 verses 44 to 48). A critical lesson to learn here is that believers and preachers of the Word should never underestimate the grace and power of God to harvest souls in unlikely nations and amongst unlikely peoples; using unlikely channels. Therefore, do not write anyone off as incapable of being saved. Rather, give them the opportunity to hear the Word just as Cornelius did to his relatives and close friends by inviting them to hear the Word. Fortunately, a myriad of platforms exist today for speaking, preaching and teaching the Word. Cornelius was prepared. Peter was willing after God commanded him not to call common what God had cleansed. Is God speaking to you? I believe so. Therefore, do your bit and let God do His utmost to bring salvation, healing and deliverance and freedom to the nations of the world. God bless you as you do so consistently. Shalom.

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