Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Power of His Presence

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

It is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord.

The population of Ai was small and was really no match for Israel yet Israel suffered defeat in the hands of Ai because the Presence of God was not with them. They had lost the Presence of God because Achan transgressed the covenant of God and took for himself what belonged to God; thereby arousing the anger of God against Israel. Please read Joshua Chapter 7; please note verses 1 and 11 to 13 and Joshua Chapters 1 verses 2 to 10.

Significantly and this is very instructive. Israel regained strength and defeated Ai after they repented of their transgression and the accursed thing was removed from their midst. Please read Joshua Chapter 8 for details. Also quite instructive is the fact that it is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God. Israel gained the entire land of Canaan; not by numerical strength, military prowess, economic power or intellectual power or even physical might or even craftiness; but they got the land by the power of God; the great awesome, sanctifying, powerful, cleansing Presence of God in their midst. Please read Psalm 105 verses 37 to 45, Exodus Chapters 33 verses 12 to 17; 13 verses 1 to 22.

The Presence of God is so important in the life of a child of God that no one should really toy with the Presence of God or do things which grieve the Holy Spirit to the point where He takes His leave from the life of a child of God. Every one actually needs the Presence of God. King David begged God not to take His Holy Presence from his life. Please read Psalm 51 verse 11. This is because over time, time and time again, David realized the importance of the Presence of God in his life. The Presence of God kept him alive, safe and secure from all his enemies, increased him on all sides, protected him and gave him all the victories he got in warfare. Please read 2nd Samuel Chapters 5 verse 10, 8 verses 6 and ; 1st Samuel Chapters 17 verses 30 to 54, 16 verses 13 and 18; 18 verses 12, 14 and 28 and 1st Chronicles Chapter 18 verse 6.

The Holy awesome Presence of God is what makes the difference in the life of a person, family, institution, community or nation. When individuals, families, institutions, communities and nations lose the Presence of God through carelessness, deliberate refusal to acknowledge the Presence of God, sin etc, they become vulnerable to the enemy, are easily attacked and overwhelmed by the enemy. The nation of Israel is a case in point. When Achan stole the sacred items which belonged to God and the Presence of God left the Israelites, they were overrun by a nation as small as Ai. But when the Presence of God returned, it was victory all the way.

Gideon and his men, just three hundred of them were able to overrun Midian that had oppressed them for seven years because God was with Gideon. The Presence of God in the life of Gideon was what gave them the victory and not necessarily their military prowess. If it was military prowess, they would not have endured seven years of oppression and humiliation. They would have risen up in arms against Midian.

The Presence of God in the lives of the believers who traveled to Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch and preached the word led to the conversion of a great number of the Hellenists in that region. Please read Acts Chapter 11 verse 21.

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