Thursday, August 6, 2020

Speak Life to the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

In the book of Genesis Chapter 1, the Bible records that God spoke creation into existence and gave form to the formlessness and emptiness in the earth.  He spoke light into existence and the light dispelled the darkness which covered the earth. Without light, the darkness would have remained masking all the beautiful creation of God.

You can also speak your way to wealth, success, life, progress, abundance, favor. Please read Hebrews Chapter 1 verse 3. MSG version.

Jesus Christ holds everything together by what He says – powerful words. What are powerful words? They are words which have power, carry power and always come to pass. Such words belong to God and are replete in the Bible. Please read Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 7 to 13, Jeremiah chapter 1 verses 1 to 12.

Jesus spoke to the fig tree and His words manifested immediately. Please read Mark Chapter 11 verses 12 to 26. Severally, Jesus spoke healing, life and restoration to people and there was immediate manifestation. You also have the same power in your mouth to speak life, healing and restoration to people and nations and institutions.

You can also speak powerful words if you school yourself and discipline yourself to do so. But first you have to discover what powerful words are and cultivate the habit of speaking them at all times. If you speak powerful words, you hold everything together. But if you speak disempowering words, you rock the boat and everything spills in different directions. Therefore speak powerful words at all times. Please read Psalm 23 verse 1, Philippians Chapter 4 verse 19, Psalm 27, Isaiah Chapter 65 verses 17 to 2. Your words come to pass when you speak or write what God wants you to. The words come to pass because they are the words of God and the words of God do not return to Him without accomplishing divine purpose.




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