Thursday, August 6, 2020

Speak Life to the Nations 2

    Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can also create order out of chaos, give hope to the hopeless by speaking God’s hope into hopeless situations and the often hopelessness exhibited  by people who have been victims of extenuating circumstances such as war, devastating natural and man-made disasters, terminal diseases, failed relationships, financial losses, job losses, business failures, betrayals, loss of loved ones and rejection. Through the words you speak, you can speak the life of God into such people and seeming dead situations to restore the life of God into the people and the seeming dead situations. The prophet Ezekiel spoke life through the Spirit of God to the very dry bones in the valley of dry bones. The very dry bones came alive. Please read Ezekiel Chapter 37.

There are many people walking the streets, living amongst you who have not discovered the purpose of their existence on planet. Daily, they wander in both their mental processes and walks in life. They move from job to job, career to career, relationship to relationship, religion to religion, denomination to denomination, city to city and country to country. They can be described as ships without rudders adrift in the ocean of life and desperately hoping that they would land in some safe haven, albeit without a map and rudders. You can also give form to the formlessness in their lives by speaking God’s form and design into such formlessness. There is a great example in Genesis Chapter 1 where God spoke creation into existence through His words. You can give the required divine direction they require with the word of God to show them the paths of righteousness which lead to divine purpose and stability in life. That is why the words which you speak are important and should be drawn from God through His Spirit in you and the rich deposit of the word of God in you so that people can be saved from hopelessness and destruction.

You also have power to speak destruction to what is not of God in the lives of people, nations and institutions. Please read Jeremiah Chapter 1 verses 1 to 19. Therefore, change the way you speak. Speak as God would have you speak, only words which God wants you to use; words which bring life, healing and transformation to people. Speak the word of God on a daily basis – online and off line. Speak healing and deliverance by the blood of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world; not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God. 

Stay away from the spotlight and speak life to you and your loved ones in the closet as well as the nations. God bless you as you do so in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.


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