Sunday, February 28, 2021

Basis for Nation Building and Development in the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

What is nation building? Can a nation / nations be built without the awesome, sanctifying and healing presence of God? 

What God wants from people and nations of the world is already revealed in the word of God. So also is what He does not want people and nations to do. His word states that righteousness exalts a nation; and that godliness and contentment is great gain.

The righteousness which exalts a nation or nations comes from Christ Jesus. If nations turn to Christ, they learn to live right in Christ and God exalts them above all the oppression of the enemy and his cohorts. To live right in Christ is to abide in Christ is to abide in His words and the word brings fruitfulness and great blessings from God – John Chapter 8 verses 31 to 32.

The blessing of God makes rich and does not add sorrow. The blessing of God upon a nation changes a nation irrespective of where the nation is located. It is not about where the nation is located but the nation’s connection with God. This is because the blessing of God upon a nation is predicated on obedience to God. The Bible specifies the modes of obedience in Psalm 1 – study and meditation of the word of God, love for and obedience to the word of God which dovetails into refusal to partner with the ungodly, sinners and the scornful.

Another mode of obedience is absolute trust in the Lord; dovetailing into hope in the Lord.

This results in unending fruitfulness, absence of fear and anxiety in the life of such a nation.

When nations choose to obey God, His word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit through their love for God and not because of the consequences of sin, then they are truly living in obedience to God and His word, in point of fact, they are perfecting obedience and learning to trust God. God prunes the people of such nations on a daily basis to take away the dross that militates against total commitment to Him. God prunes them to greater fruitfulness.

God also rebukes the devourer for the sake of the peoples of the nations. One of the ways God rebukes the devourer for their sakes is to give them wisdom to navigate ignorance, foolishness, laziness, thoughtlessness, carelessness, pride, self-will, etc so that the enemy does not find loopholes to attack and destroy the works of their hands.

Leaders of nations as well as the peoples of the nations should exploit the fear of God for nation building and development. This is because the fear of God is always a precursor to justice and nation building as well as development in any land. Please read Nehemiah Chapter 5 verses 14 to 19.

Nation building is not family business. For any nation to grow as God would have the nation grow, it should be owned by every citizen of the nation. There should be no exclusivity, no favoritism, and no partiality. This is because if the citizens do not have a defined sense of ownership and belonging to the nation, they cannot commit to the nation.

People generally commit to what they own, what they have a sense of ownership in; and what they have a say in. therefore, leaders of nations should invest in the people of the nations. Sam Walton loved people and made it a point to always invest in people. The result – people shopped at Walmart; the staff of Walmart enjoyed working at Walmart and giving customers the most unique but satisfying customer experience. Suppliers also enjoyed

Leaders should always proclaim glad tidings and not fear. Leaders of nations should always talk about succeeding and additionally encourage the peoples of the nations to succeed. As much as possible fear should not undergird every discussion and every message of a leader to the nations.


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