Sunday, February 26, 2017

God the Healer of Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The OXFORD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of English defines a healer as a person who cures people of illnesses and diseases using natural powers rather than medicines. Something that makes a bad situation easier to deal with, for example times is a great healer. Healing on the other hand is defined as a process of becoming or making somebody or something healthy again.

A nation of sick and feeble people is akin to the great multitude of sick people (blind, lame, paralyzed described in John Chapter 5 verse 3. This great multitude of people that ideally should be national assets were a great liability, immobilized from any form of active service and contribution to the development processes of the nation. They were an impotent and inactive part of the population waiting for the moving of the water.

While the ailments described here are mainly physical, the  discourse between Jesus Christ and the man who had been at the pool for thirty eight years indicate that some of the sick people were also mentally impaired; perhaps on account of the physical ailments; the fact that they probably had no one like the man who had been at the pool for thirty eight years, they had waited endlessly for healing that appeared to be in the stratosphere and would forever be out of their reach.

To put it mildly, they had also hope and could be likened to the vast army of I dry bones in the valley described by the Prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel Chapter 37. The national psyche of this vast army was one of hopelessness, despondence and gloom. But God took over the situation by His Spirit and brought about healing that transformed the despondent army into a militant army for God and they became national assets. The man who had been at the pool for thirty eight years was also transformed after his encounter with Jesus.

In like manner, nations that are experiencing diverse ailments (physical, spiritual, political, mental, financial, etc) and have become despondent and weary of any solution in sight can receive healing from God if they take their eyes away from humans to God to provide the healing they desire and seek. This is because God is the only ONE Who has the capacity to heal nations of ailments.

Today, many nations are experiencing and suffering from severe ailments which defy and are defying all known human solutions. However, these ailments cannot defy the King of kings and Lord of lords, God the Healer. He has healed before, is healing now and will yet heal again. The Bible is replete with accounts of diverse healings that transcend individuals, families, communities to nations. That same God in His great love and compassion is still willing and able to bring about diverse healings in nations experiencing and suffering from diverse ailments no matter how severe such ailments appear to be. However, such nations must be willing to turn to God for help as stated in 2nd Chronicles Chapter 7 verses 13 to 14.
This is because God is the only One Who knows the source of national ailments, has power over such ailments and can uproot them from source. When the nation of Israel under King David experienced severe famine back to back for three years, God revealed the source of the problem when the nation made inquiries from God and the problem was resolved. Also, when the nation defaulted in tithing, God spoke to them to repent of the national sin of refusing to tithe and give offerings so that the economic hardship that had come upon them would end as God would restore their fortunes by visiting them with abundance if they returned to God in obedience by tithing and giving offerings. Please see Malachi Chapter 3 verses 8 to 12.
A number of nations are experiencing economic woes, referred to in economic parlance as economic recession. Is it possible that rebellion and disobedience to God through refusal to tithe and give offerings; profligacy; idolatry; sorcery et al; greed and avarice manifesting as corruption; ignorance; the shedding of innocent blood through ritual murders; unnecessary wars at diverse levels could be the reasons behind such economic woes? Only God knows and He alone can provide the answers.

Any nation made up of largely economically disadvantaged people is a threat to national security and development as well as peace. This was the case in Jerusalem when Nehemiah was Governor of Jerusalem. He advised the economically advantaged people to redistribute wealth equitably, leading to economic justice and equity and there was peace, security and development in the land. Nehemiah also showed great leadership and example – he refused the perks due him as Governor in order not to exact on the national treasury that was already depleted. Please read Nehemiah Chapter 5 for more details. The leadership of many nations can learn from this example and mediate access to productive resources to the economically disadvantaged as Nehemiah and the leadership of his day did. Joseph also mediated access to productive resources when he provided land and grain for the Egyptians to farm on in the post famine years.

Beloved, economic woes are subject to God the Healer. Let every nation experiencing such subject them to God the Healer and experience God’s healing and restoration through economic affluence and abundance in Jesus mighty name.

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