Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Place of Liberality in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The liberality referred to here is liberality for kingdom purposes. Giving generally opens a floodgate of blessings (Luke Chapter 6 verse 38, Isaiah Chapter 32 verse 8) and also brings healings in diverse dimensions to the peoples and nations of the world (Job Chapter 42 verses 6 to 12, Genesis Chapter 20). When people and nations give of their time, money, expertise, knowledge, skills, etc to bring people out of poverty, ignorance, and diseases into a better quality life, they are giving healing (as some of their Christian brethren take advantage of such opportunities to serve as missionaries) and they in turn; both the sending nations and missionaries receive healings from God as well.

God gave the greatest gift of all for the redemption, salvation and deliverance of humanity from satanic captivity and death to abundant life in Christ Jesus. Please see  John Chapter 3 verse 16, John Chapters 10 verse 10; 15 verse 13 , Romans Chapter 8 verses 31 to 32, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9.

In the book of Haggai Chapters 1 and 2, the Bible records that the people of Judah gave  of their resources to complete the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem that was abandoned on account of the fierce opposition to the rebuilding of the Temple. As the people released their resources for the rebuilding of the temple, they were healed of the famine in the land despite the fact that they had not planted fresh crops.

The returnees from exile were healed when the nobles renounced usury and extended liberality to their poor brethren after Nehemiah denounced what they were doing to their poor brethren. There was restoration of love and fellowship amongst them, restoration of hope and confidence in God as well as their fortunes as the poor in their midst were able to access productive resources to earn income from working the land. Please see Nehemiah Chapter 5.

Giving for the service of the Lord brought about repentance and restoration to the nation of Judah when Hezekiah led the people in giving for the service of the Lord – the temple was reopened, the Levites returned to their office, the people tithed and gave generous offerings and God prospered Hezekiah and the people and there was peace in the land.  Even when Sennecherib of Assyria attempted to frighten the people into serving him and his idols through a fierce military campaign against Judah, God took over the battle, killed the army of Sennecherib through an angel and Sennecherib himself through his two sons. Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapters 22 verses 1 to 23; 29, 30, and 31.

Liberality for kingdom purposes such as generous support for missions, general evangelism, ministers of the gospel, church projects such as church buildings, support to widows and orphans, the poor. When nations  support kingdom purposes, they receive healing from God for themselves and also to help to bring about God’s healing, deliverance and restoration to the nations and people that they send missionaries to, preach the gospel to, support with financial and material resources, etc. As the people of the nations give for kingdom purposes, God brings prosperity to the nations and peoples. God is the one who heals nations of poverty, lack and insignificance.

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