Thursday, December 19, 2019

Release the Power in the Word

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can hold a gun and never know the power in your hand if you cannot use the gun; that is how to pull the trigger and even when you know, and you do not pull the trigger, you are only holding a loaded weapon that is not useful to you.

The Word of God is God and has always existed with God from the beginning. Secondly, God does not lie and because God does not lie, His Word always performs whatever the word is sent to accomplish by God. Please read John Chapter 1 verse 1, Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 7 to 13 and Psalm 107 verse 20.

However, the power in the Word of God is released when the Word is spoken, prayed, prophesied and declared prophetically. Hearing the Word, understanding the Word will lead to genuine repentance and genuine repentance will lead to healing and restoration. Hosea Chapter 6 verses 1 to 3, Isaiah Chapter 6 verses 1 to 13, note verses 9 to 10.

Daniel was greatly used of God in the empires of Babylon and Persia because he believed God and His Word. Daniel’s boldness and confidence including his intense and fervent prayer life was based on his understanding of God – God is always true, He does not lie – Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19, 1st Samuel Chapter 15 verse 29, Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 8 to 13, Psalm 130 verse 2 and that the Word of God always comes to pass. That explains Daniel’s fervent intercession for Israel after he understood from Jeremiah’s prophecy (according to the Word of God to Jeremiah that Israel would spend seventy years in Babylonian captivity. Please read Daniel Chapter 9 verses 1 to the end of the chapter and do take note of verse 2).

Daniel prayed on the basis of the Word of God to Jeremiah and not on the basis of emotions or prevailing circumstances or the antics of some prayer warriors, or some self-styled prophets. Daniel’s fervent intercession for Israel was on the basis of the Word of God. It is therefore no surprise that immediate results followed his intercession for Israel as Cyrus was raised by God to rule over Persia. Cyrus helped the exiled Israelites to return home to Israel to rebuild the temple as well as the burnt down walls of Jerusalem. The Word of God should guide prayers, even worship, praise and adoration for the healing of the nations.

Beloved, you have great power, the power of God in His Word in you through the rich deposit of the Word of God in you. Release that great power by speaking the Word of God for the healing of the nations and the peoples of the nations. Inanimate and animate objects hear the voice of God and respond to the voice of God. Therefore, speak as God would have you speak so that there would be a great outpouring of His grace and mercy in the nations of the world. God bless you as you do so. Shalom.

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