Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Godly Leadership and National Development 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Godly leadership always fosters prosperity in a land. Please read 2nd Kings Chapters 18 to 20, 2nd Chronicles Chapters 29 to 32, Isaiah Chapters 36 to 38, 39 verse 2. Hezekiah’s godly leadership brought about spiritual and economic prosperity in Judah.

Trust in God brings the Presence of God into a person’s life and when the Presence of God is in anyone’s life, the prosperity of God manifested in abundance in every area of life surrounds the person. King Hezekiah of Judah is a classic example. The Presence of God in his life occasioned by his trust in God brought prosperity in his life. The Bible records that he prospered wherever he went – God gave him resounding victory over supposedly militarily stronger nations such as Assyria, Philistia,. He enjoyed divine healing from a supposedly terminal ailment and was wealthy – he owned great material resources and money, he also prayed for His people and the Bible records that God listened to Hezekiah and healed the people. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapter 30 verses 17 to 19.

Hezekiah loved God and always did what was right in the sight of God. He opened the doors of the house of the Lord that were closed and repaired them. He repented of the sins of their fathers and restored the true worship of God in Israel. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapters 29 to 30. Tithes were paid, all kinds of offerings were given and the people of Judah gathered to worship the Lord. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapter 31 verses 4 to 12.

Somehow, some of the people gathered to the Lord were not sanctified. Hezekiah pleaded for mercy from God and God heard him and healed the people. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapters 30 verses 17 to 21. Hezekiah also encouraged all the Levites who taught the good knowledge of the Lord so that they would continue doing their job wholeheartedly and joyfully.
Hezekiah gave generously for the feast of the Passover. There was much to eat and drink. This made it possible for the people to extend the feast for another seven days. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapter 30 verses 23 to 26. He also gave a portion of his possessions for the burnt offerings – morning and evening, the Sabbaths, New Moons and set feasts. Please read also 2nd Chronicles Chapter 31 verse 3.

Hezekiah had great power with God. Each time he cried to God in prayers, God always responded promptly and positively. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapter 30 verses 31 to 32, 2nd Kings Chapters 18 and 19, Isaiah Chapters 36 and 37, 38; 2nd Kings Chapter 20 verses 1 to 12 and 2nd Chronicles Chapter 32 verse 24.

The Bible records that God made whatever Hezekiah did to prosper. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapter 31 verses 21, 30 to 32, 2nd Kings Chapter 18 verses 5 to 8. The Bible records that he had very great riches and honor. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapter 32 verses 27 to 29, 2nd Kings Chapter 20 verse 13, Isaiah Chapter 39 verse 2. Significantly, Hezekiah’s great wealth was also deployed for the economic and national development of his people and nation. Beloved, The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former because God is about to do a new thing, fill you with His glory so that you become a treasure to the world. The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former because God is about to do a new thing, fill you with His glory so that you become a treasure to the world. Therefore, pray that God in His infinite mercy and grace will raise godly leaders in all the nations of the world. God bless you as you do so in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.

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