Monday, November 30, 2020

The Benefits of Understanding in Healing the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Bible records in 1st Chronicles Chapter 12 verse 32 that the sons of Issachar had an understanding of the times; to know what Israel had to do, install David as King to fulfill the plans and purposes of God for both Israel as well as David at that point in time in history. With that understanding, they were able to mobilize their fellow citizens into bringing peace and unity to Israel by crowning David King over all Israel.

King Solomon requested for an understanding heart from God to judge Israel aright. The outcome was peace, economic prosperity ad national development, equity and justice prevailed in the land. The Bible records that silver, one of the currencies for economic transactions was as common as sand in Israel. The people of Israel enjoyed great economic prosperity during the reign of Solomon. Please read  1st Kings Chapters 3, 4 verses 20 to 34, 10 verses 1 to 10, 21 to 29, 2nd Chronicles Chapters 1 verses 10 to 17, 9 verses 1 to 27. Also, the classic judgment by King Solomon in which he gave the living baby to the right mother rather than the careless one who lay on her son and killed him in the process speaks volumes of what understanding does to bring healing, peace and prosperity in the land ( 1st Kings Chapter 3 verses 16 to 28).

The Consequences of lack of understanding

Deliberate and conscious waste and destruction of God given resources. Examples include the unprofitable servant and the owner of the vineyard in Proverbs Chapter 24 verses 30 to 34, Matthew Chapter 25 verses 14 to 30. Also see Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verse 18, Proverbs Chapter 18 verse 9, Genesis Chapter 38 verses 6 to 10 (Onan)

Laziness – resting when you should be working – doing the right thing at the wrong time – Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verses 16 to 17 such as feasting in the morning, 3 verses 1 to 11, Proverbs Chapters 6 verses 6 to 11, 10 verse 5, Genesis Chapter 8 verse 22, Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verses 1 to 6, Matthew Chapter 25 verses 1 to 13 (the foolish virgins). Laziness is also a contributory factor to waste and destruction.

Poverty, lack, untimely death

Foolish actions such as the irreverent attitude of the Corinthians at the Communion Table which led to untimely death and ailments in the Church – 1st Corinthians Chapter 11 verses 20 to 34; the young man who foolishly spent time with the immoral woman and died young in Proverbs Chapter 7 verses 1 to 27.

Amnon’s folly in raping his half-sister Tamar and the consequent untimely death as he was killed by Absalom, Tamar’s brother. Please read 2nd Samuel Chapter 13 for details.

Absalom’s folly in trying to usurp the throne. He died young. Please read 2nd Samuel Chapters 14 to 18.

Achan’s folly which resulted in a national disaster and personal tragedy. Please read Joshua Chapter 7.

Nadab and Abihu’s profanity in offering strange fire to the Lord, strange because God did not command it. Please read Leviticus Chapter 10.

Rebellion – Korah, Dathan and Abiram’s rebellion against the leadership of Moses and Aaron brought tragic consequences on them and members of their families alongside the two hundred and fifty men who supported them as well as the fourteen thousand seven hundred who died as a result of the plague; a consequence of the complaints of the children of Israel against Moses and Aaron that they had killed the people of God.

Nabal’s foolishness which could have destroyed him and his entire household but for the intervention of his wise and understanding wife Abigail. Even if he did not want to share his resources with David and his men, he should have presented the message in a nice way without being offensive and rude.

Understanding gives people wisdom to prepare, to take advantage of divine and other leverages, exercise discipline, restraint and order. The ants, the rock badgers, the locust and spiders surprisingly are able to do this. Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah, the Apostle Paul, Abigail and the virtuous woman are some wonderful examples of people who exercised restraint.

Beloved, understanding brings healing to the nations. Ask God for the requisite understanding you need to bring healing to the nations. Also ask God to fill the hearts of people in the nations with the requisite understanding they require to bring about healing in their nations. May God Who is rich in mercy and Who always answers prayers grant us the understanding we require for healing the nations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.




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