Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Place of Tithing in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Tithing is the principle of divine portion that requires a child of God and nations in covenant relationship with God to give a certain percentage of their income to God for the work of the kingdom particularly the upkeep of the servants of God as well as the preaching of the gospel. Tithes are meant for the well being of the Levites, their upkeep and for doing the work of the Lord. Please see Nehemiah Chapter 13 verses 9 to 13, Leviticus Chapter 27 verses 30 to 34 and Numbers Chapter 18 verses 21 to 32. Jesus is the foundation of tithing. Please see Hebrews Chapter 7 verses 1 to 10, Genesis Chapter 13 verses 18 to 20.  It is a commandment from God for a Church to take tithes from members. Abraham tithed to Melchisedec King of Salem in Genesis Chapter 13 verses 18 to 20 and in Genesis Chapter 28 verse 22, Jacob promised to tithe to God.

The tithe is ten percent and nothing less. Do not ever underpay and pay promptly. Be humble and tell yourself the truth when tithing. While tithes are a fixed ten percent of your income, offerings are dependent on the generosity of the giver. In point of fact, the Bible says that God loves a cheerful giver. There is no point being generous if your heart is not cheerful and willing. Such offerings like poor monetary investments do not produce high yields. Offerings should be given willingly for them to be acceptable to God. Please see Exodus Chapter 25 verse 1. God instructed Moses to receive offerings that were given willingly. In addition, the Apostle Paul instructed New Testament believers to give willingly and not by compulsion (2nd Corinthians Chapters 8 verses 1 to 3, 12;  9 verses 2, 5). Significantly, every time people give willingly to God and for the work of the kingdom of God, they are blessed beyond measure by God. Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 35 verses 7 to 8. King Josiah of Judah and the leadership of Judah gave willingly for the Passover. The Israelites willingly brought offerings for the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness (Exodus Chapters 35 verses 5, 21 to 29; 36 verses 4 to 7).

In Malachi Chapter 3 verses 8 to 12,  believers are instructed to pay the tithe  and give generous offerings where God wants you to give them and not necessarily where you want to give them (Jeremiah Chapter 4 verse 3). Where God wants you to tithe and give generous offerings is the Bible believing Church where the Holy Spirit is accorded respect and given freedom to operate fully; so that He guides, teaches and directs the people of God to profit (Isaiah Chapter 48 verse 17) where the truth of God is upheld and reigns above the doctrines and philosophies of men, where the Lordship of Jesus is celebrated and God is the head of the Church and everyone submits to God.

It is also the place where every member of the Church counts – no one is favored above the other and everyone is treated with respect and honor, no partiality in judgment, service, etc. that Church is also where you worship and serve God in truth and in spirit.

Also, if you always decide where to tithe and give offerings and not necessarily where God wants you to do so, then you are walking in your own ways, far away from God’s direction and purpose for your life. You will then have to bless your planted seeds sown in disobedience. Significantly, the people who receive tithes have more responsibility to God than you who gives the tithes.

When people, especially believers refuse to tithe, are inconsistent in tithing, are fraudulent in tithing by not tithing the full ten percent, they are robbing God as stated in Malachi Chapter 3 verses 8 to 12. Incomplete tithing is not right. The Bible instructs to bring the entire tithe, which is the full amount. And when a human being chooses to rob God, that person is carrying coals in his or her bosom. The only way out is repentance by the blood of Jesus Christ and a commitment to faithful tithing and obedience to God. Also, when nations refuse to tithe or default in tithing, especially nations in covenant relationships with God they are robbing God and bringing upon the nation economic hardship.  When the nation of Israel defaulted in tithing God spoke to them to repent of the national sin of refusing to tithe and give offerings so that the economic hardship that had come upon them would end. It is instructive that they obeyed God in the days of Nehemiah, Kings David, Hezekiah and God restored their fortunes by visiting them with abundance.  The Bible states that all Judah brought the tithe meaning that there was hundred percent compliance, everyone in the Nation that should tithe did do. Please see Nehemiah Chapter 13 verses 10 to 14, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 31 verse 12, Malachi Chapter 3 verses 8 to 12.

A number of nations are experiencing economic woes, referred to in economic parlance as economic recession. Is it possible that rebellion and disobedience to God through refusal to tithe and give offerings is the reason for such economic hardship? The way out is repentance through tithing and if the entire nation cannot repent because the nation is a secular state, then the Christians in such nations should carry out the repentance and be faithful to God in tithes and giving of generous offerings. And because God honors His word, the Christians and the nations would be blessed.

Tithing is a covenant and covenant works. Your tithe speaks –, Malachi Chapter 3 verse 10, 2nd Kings Chapter 7 verse 1. Tithing has a reward. Please see Malachi Chapter 3 verses 10 to 12. Every time you pay your tithe, you open a door of blessings where God meets you at the point of your need. In essence, the windows of heaven are opened for you to bask in the realm of supernatural abundance. When the windows of heaven open, your levels change. The regular and prompt payment of tithes as well as giving of offerings is therefore one of God’s gateways to financial increase and abundance, in point of fact, the fastest way to wealth. Each time you give money in obedience to God’s commands to tithe your income and give offerings, you are planting the seed of money for greater harvests, protection from economic disasters that could be a fall out of wrong investments, natural disasters, poor weather conditions and crop failure if in the agricultural sector, lack of patronage of products and services, fierce competition, etc. Tithes and offerings in obedience to God provide the economic shelter and protection that everyone desirous of financial growth and abundance seeks. 

Also, while it is wonderful to tithe faithfully, living in and enjoying sin while tithing can also affect your harvest as your tithe will not be one given in righteousness. Take for instance a tithe given by Ahaziah or Ahab or Jezebel? Will such a tithe be a pleasant offering to God? Please see Malachi Chapter 3 verses 3 to 4 and Matthew Chapter 5 verses 21 to 24.

What God needs is the worship and not necessarily the tithe. Therefore, faithfully plant the monetary seeds of tithes and offerings to reap a harvest of financial abundance. Tithing gives you an opportunity to do business with God. Therefore, embark on regular and prompt payment of tithes to a Bible believing Church where you are fed the Word of God and your faith is built up to know, believe and obey God as well as serve Him in truth and in spirit according to laid down Biblical principles and instructions.

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