Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Place of Divine Guidance in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

It is the will of God to guide His people and the nations of the world. In point of fact, God delights in guiding His people and the nations of the world in every area of life (Psalms 78 verses 52 to 55, 107 verses 4 to 7, 23 to 30, 73 verse 24, 32 verse 8, 37 verse 23, Isaiah Chapters 42 verse 16, 45 verses 1 to 3, 13, 48 verse 17 and 23 verses 23 to 29, Exodus Chapter 15 verses 13 to 14.

The reason God guides His people and the nations is to provide divine direction for His people so that they arrive at His desired destination that is safe, prosperous and comfortable for them (Psalm 23, Genesis Chapter 26 and Isaiah Chapter 58 verse 11). Destination is not only physical but spiritual, financial, material, intellectual, mental, marital, parental and in as many dimensions that He chooses to. God knows the end from the beginning created you and the nations for purposes that only He can help you achieve through His divine guidance.

God’s divine guidance for divine direction always brings about prosperity, increase, wealth, security, greatness, salvation, deliverance, expansion, comfort, joy, fulfillment, health in spite of what the circumstances are. Any individual, family, community, nation that seeks divine guidance and direction from God will definitely experience and enjoy divine direction, counsel, instruction in righteousness that will ultimately lead to divine provision, success in business, career, academics, scientific breakthroughs, artistic excellence and what have you.

Elijah was well fed during the period of drought from the brook Kidron to the home of the widow of Zarephath. Isaac prospered at a time when other farmers were complaining of famine and poor harvests because he followed divine direction from God (Genesis Chapter 26, Isaiah Chapter 58 verse 11 and Psalm 23). David was amply supplied, sustainable food security as well as military, political, financial security because he allowed God to shepherd him to green pastures.

David understood this clearly and always sought guidance and divine direction from God (1st Samuel Chapter 30 verses 1 to 8, 1st Chronicles Chapter 14 verses 8 to 17, 15 verses 13, 2nd Samuel Chapter 5 verses 17 to 25).

King Solomon followed in his father’s steps and sought guidance from God on how to lead the nation of Israel after he became King. God was so pleased with the decision of Solomon that He added other things that Solomon did not request for (1st Kings Chapter 3 verses 5 to 15). Other Kings who sought divine guidance for divine direction and help from God include Jehoshaphat (2nd Chronicles Chapters 17 verses 3 to 19, 18 verses 1 to 18, 20 verses 1 to 32); Uzziah (2nd Chronicles Chapter 26 verses 1 to 5) and Hezekiah (2nd Chronicles Chapter 32 verse 22).


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