Friday, April 28, 2017

Healing Streams 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Beloved, you and I can become God’s vessels of healing streams if we yield ourselves completely to God and allow Him to purge us of every pollution that could interfere or hinder His healing flow through our lives. Take for instance these very instructive Scripture references Proverbs Chapters 11 verses 18 to 20; 15 verse 7. A person with a caustic tongue who does not care about the emotions of other people can be not likely carry God’s healing flows because his or her caustic tongue will inflict wounds that may never heal in the hearts of people if God does not intervene. The Bible records in that same Proverbs Chapter 11 verses 18b that the tongue of the wise promotes health. How?

According to the Bible, the tongue of the wise or learned given to him or her by God knows how to speak a word in season to whoever is weary. Please see Isaiah Chapter 50 verses 4 to 5. This is further corroborated in Isaiah Chapters 52 verse 7; 61 verses 1 to 4, Luke Chapter 4 verses 18 to 19. A person’s tongue brings healing to people by proclaiming good tidings, peace, salvation, glad tidings of good things, the Lordship of God over everyone and all things, the sovereignty of God, the power of God. Such proclamations bring hope, joy and happiness, healing to the broken hearted and the nations, liberty to those who are mentally and spiritually caged, bring comfort and joy to those who mourn, praise to those whose spirits are heavy. Beloved, Scriptures in Proverbs Chapters 15 verses 4, 7, 30; 12 verse 25; 17 verse 22; 18 verse 4 and 20 verse 15 corroborate this.

You carry God’s grace for healing the nations and that grace is the key to your financial abundance. The enemy attempts to stop you by polluting your mental processes so that the grace of God does not flow because it is when the grace flows that overwhelming abundance flows to you. Lying tongues, deceptive tongues as well as hearts laden with envy, pride, jealousy, bitterness, resentment and tale bearing cannot carry the healing flows of God. Please see Proverbs Chapters 26 verses 18 to 28, Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 15 and Matthew Chapter 12 verses 34 to 37. All of these are like polluted streams which do not bring healing because the water is polluted and polluted waters cause death and barrenness. The polluted water of Jericho is a classic example. It made the land unproductive and caused barrenness but after it was healed, the land became productive and there was an end to deaths caused by the water. Beloved, the flow from your spirit, soul and body on account of your mental processes, utterances and actions can make other people productive or barren depending on what you project and convey. On the other hand, a vessel or conduits of God’s healing streams should make every attempt to ensure that the stream is not polluted. This is because any form of pollution will make it difficult or impossible to fulfill your calling in life.
However, connectedness to God will ensure that you are pollution free and when you are pollution free, you will always be a conduit for God’s healing streams to flow to the nations. Additionally, the connectedness to God is very central to fruit bearing and will make you bear fruit at all times. Please see Psalm 1, Jeremiah Chapter 17 verse 8, Psalm 92 verses 12 to 15, John Chapter 15.

Additionally, you can set monthly targets for fruit bearing and multiplication (Revelation Chapter 47 verse 1 to 2, Ezekiel Chapter 47 verse 12). These targets are achievable because of your connectedness to God through Jesus Christ (John Chapter 15 verses 1 to 16; just as the trees mentioned here bore fruit every month because they were planted by the rivers that proceeded from the throne of God and of the lamb. The leaves of the trees were  used for the healing of the nations – as we actually fulfill divine purposes and bear worthy fruits (Colossians Chapter 1 verses 9 to 10, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 verse 10. You are a conduit of God’s healing streams. Flow to as many people and nations that God designed you to flow into. Shalom.

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