Friday, April 28, 2017

Healing Streams 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Polluted streams do not bring healing to the people around the stream, the struggling, or tired or weary or thirsty traveler in need of a refreshing cup of water or dip in the water. Polluted streams are sources of barrenness, unproductivity, sickness and death as in the case of the polluted waters of Jericho described in 2nd Kings Chapter 2 verses 19 to 21. Rather than bless the people of the land, the polluted waters of Jericho poisoned and harmed the people of the land. It made the land unproductive or barren and consequently death in the land. Ideally, water should give life but when that water brings about what does not give life, then there is a problem.

On the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, the Israelites got to Marah after searching for water to drink endlessly for three consecutive days in the wilderness. Unfortunately the waters of Marah were polluted, were bitter and undrinkable. At this point, the people could take it no more so they complained against Moses. Moses’s response is very significant. He cried out to God and God showed him a tree which he cast into the waters. The Bible records that the waters were made sweet thereafter and the people were able to drink from it.

Beloved, every polluted stream/water body requires divine touches and healings from the Lord to become healing streams that bring God’s healing, life, refreshment and transformation to the people of God. The waters of Jericho became healed by the Lord after Elisha cast in the salt at the source of the water.

The waters described in Ezekiel Chapter 47 verses 1 to 12 and Revelation Chapter 22 verses 1 to 2 bring healing and life because there is no pollution in them and the reason there is no pollution in them is because of the source of the water. The waters described here flow directly from the sanctuary and the throne of God and as they flow, no pollution comes in to contaminate them and interfere with their healing properties. Therefore, they are healing streams which bring healing to people and the nations. This is because the untainted source of the water coupled with its ready availability at all times of the year feeds the trees along the banks of the waters and this made the trees bear fruit every month. Additionally, the leaves of the trees were used for medicine. The fact that their leaves are used for the healing of the nations is very significant. The water described in Revelation Chapter 22 verse 1 as the water of life proceeded from the throne of God; and in Ezekiel Chapter 47 verse 12, from the sanctuary and that explains why the trees bore fruit every month and their leaves were used for medicine, for the healing of the nations.

This water can also refer to the water of the word which if applied rightly helps believers to bear fruit that brings about healing in the nations. Our fruitfulness and multiplication can also bring about the healing of the nations – Revelation Chapter 22 verses 1 to 2 and Ezekiel Chapter 47 verse 12. Our intercessory and soul winning activities as well as sharing the love of God and other resources with people will bring about spiritual, physical and mental healing to people and as people are healed, nations are healed because it is individuals and families that make up communities and communities make up nations.

Please see Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 26 (Christ sanctifies and cleanses the Church with His word referred as water (1st John Chapter 5 verses 6 to 8), prunes believers with the word, equivalent to washing (John Chapter 15 verses 1 to 16,  note verse 2, 17 verses 17, 6 verse 63, 1st Peter Chapter 1 verses 23 to 25, 2 verse 2) leading to progressive sanctification.

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