Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Role of Prophets in the Healing of the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

A prophet must prophesy; for any prophet to be used of God in bringing healing to the nation/s, the prophet must prophesy. The prophecy is what moves people, the nations to repentance if they are already prepared for repentance; or moves the people of God in the nations to fervent intercession for repentance in the land so that ultimately, there is forgiveness of sins and restoration.

Daniel interceded for Israel after studying the prophecy concerning restoration for Israel in the book of Jeremiah. Please see Daniel Chapter 9. Not quite long, the Israelites left Babylonian captivity and Jerusalem was rebuilt.

The Prophet Ezekiel was used by God to bring healing to the despondent people of Israel through the prophecy he gave in Ezekiel Chapter 37 verses 1 to 14. A people who had confessed that their bones were dry and their hope was lost stood on their feet as an exceedingly great army after they received the word of God prophesied by Ezekiel into their lives.

The prophecy can also be to energize and mobilize the people of God to action against their oppressors as in the case of Barak and the army of Israel when God used Deborah to prophesy to Barak. Barak responded positively to the prophecy by Deborah, mobilized the army of Israel and defeated General Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army. The nation of Israel was free and healed of the military oppression by Jabin, King of Cannan through Sisera. Please see Judges Chapters 4 and 5.

Healing also came to the nation of Israel as Prophets Zechariah and Haggai prophesied to the returnee exiles to complete the rebuilding of the temple that was abandoned on account of the fierce opposition from the people who hated Jerusalem. The people of Israel were experiencing lack, miserable harvests and nothing to really show for so much labor. But as they responded positively to the prophecies of Zechariah and Haggai; the recommenced work and completed the temple, God blessed them and the works of their hands immensely. Please see Ezra Chapter 5 verses 1 to 2, 6 verse 14; Haggai Chapters 1 and 2 and Zechariah Chapter 8 verses 9 to 15.

The Role of Prophets in the Healing of the Nations 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana  Charles-Iyoha

A prophet is someone raised by God usually from among His people to speak His mind, His words which He gives to the prophet to His people. A prophet then is God’s spokesperson for the people of
God. No one takes this honor for himself as prophets and prophetesses are usually ordained into the ministry office of the prophet by God – Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 5, 1st Kings Chapter 19 verses 16, 19 to 21, Amos Chapter 7 verses 12 to 17, Haggai Chapter 1 verses 12 to 13, Zechariah Chapter 1 verse 17, Amos Chapter 3 verse 7, Deuteronomy Chapter 18 verses 10 to 22.  Prophets proclaim the mind of God through the written word in the Bible which the Holy Spirit sheds light on and then God who says that His word must accomplish whatever the Word is sent to accomplish acts on that word to produce the desired results. This is what prophecy and functioning in the ministry office of the prophet is.

A Prophet is a vessel used by God to provide solutions to personal, family, local, national and global challenges depending on where God assigns him or her to. Elijah solved the national challenge of idolatry and famine by giving the people direction to turn to God and be saved. Elisha solved ministry challenges for the prophets when he retrieved the lost ax in 2nd Kings Chapter 6 verses 1 to 7.  Who is a prophet? Acts Chapter 15 verses 32. God works in partnership with His servants the prophets. Prophets are the servants of God that He reveals His secrets to before doing anything. Amos Chapter 3 verse 7, Genesis Chapter 18 verses 17 to 33, Acts Chapter 11 verses 27 to 30.

God is the one who raises prophets - people do not wake up to declare themselves prophets. They have to be ordained by God - Deuteronomy Chapter 18 verses 15 to 18, Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 5. Prophets speak by the Spirit of God the words which God puts in their hearts and mouths. Deuteronomy Chapter 18 verse 18, Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 9. Prophets are to say exactly what God wants them to say - Deuteronomy Chapter 18 verse 18, Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 7.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

He Arose

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

He was insulted, ridiculed and humiliated
Wounded for our sins
Died on the cross and was buried
Guarded by soldiers and a sealed tomb
Yet, death could not hold him captive
The tomb gave way
Soldiers collapsed in fear
Death capitulated and surrendered

Jesus arose, triumphant from the grave
Victorious over death, hell and the devil
To set you and I free
From sin and satanic captivity
To abundant life in Christ Jesus

Jesus is alive
He reigns over all and has a name
The name that is above all names
At which all other names, wherever bows
Lord of lords, King of kings

Email: olivesfamily@yahoo.com

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...