Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Role of Prophets in the Healing of the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

A prophet must prophesy; for any prophet to be used of God in bringing healing to the nation/s, the prophet must prophesy. The prophecy is what moves people, the nations to repentance if they are already prepared for repentance; or moves the people of God in the nations to fervent intercession for repentance in the land so that ultimately, there is forgiveness of sins and restoration.

Daniel interceded for Israel after studying the prophecy concerning restoration for Israel in the book of Jeremiah. Please see Daniel Chapter 9. Not quite long, the Israelites left Babylonian captivity and Jerusalem was rebuilt.

The Prophet Ezekiel was used by God to bring healing to the despondent people of Israel through the prophecy he gave in Ezekiel Chapter 37 verses 1 to 14. A people who had confessed that their bones were dry and their hope was lost stood on their feet as an exceedingly great army after they received the word of God prophesied by Ezekiel into their lives.

The prophecy can also be to energize and mobilize the people of God to action against their oppressors as in the case of Barak and the army of Israel when God used Deborah to prophesy to Barak. Barak responded positively to the prophecy by Deborah, mobilized the army of Israel and defeated General Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army. The nation of Israel was free and healed of the military oppression by Jabin, King of Cannan through Sisera. Please see Judges Chapters 4 and 5.

Healing also came to the nation of Israel as Prophets Zechariah and Haggai prophesied to the returnee exiles to complete the rebuilding of the temple that was abandoned on account of the fierce opposition from the people who hated Jerusalem. The people of Israel were experiencing lack, miserable harvests and nothing to really show for so much labor. But as they responded positively to the prophecies of Zechariah and Haggai; the recommenced work and completed the temple, God blessed them and the works of their hands immensely. Please see Ezra Chapter 5 verses 1 to 2, 6 verse 14; Haggai Chapters 1 and 2 and Zechariah Chapter 8 verses 9 to 15.

Healing also came to the nation of Israel through the prophecy given by Elisha. There was a terrible famine in the land, in point of fact very terrible as some of the people in the land had become cannibals eating up their children as food. When the King heard about cannibalism in the land, he threatened to cut off the head of Elisha as if Elisha was responsible for the ills in the land.

Elisha’s response is very instructive. He neither ran away from the King not got involved in a tirade of words. Rather, he prophesied immediate abundant food supply that would occur in the land the following day. Though one of the officers of the King who doubted the prophecy attempted to create doubts in the minds of the people, Elisha’s prophecy came to pass because He spoke as directed by the Spirit of God. There was abundant food supply the following day, the people were spared death by starvation and the nation was healed of the ravages and evil of famine. Please see 2nd Kings Chapters 6 verses 25 to 33; 7 verses 1 to 20.

Healing also came to the nation of Israel under King Ahab through the prophecy given by Elijah after God instructed Elijah to prophesy rain so that the land would be healed of drought and famine. Elijah led the people in national repentance and restoration a of the altar of God. Thereafter, there was rain and the nation was healed of drought and famine that had ravaged the land for close to three years.

God sometimes works through His prophets in bringing healing to the land. Are you a prophet? Speak the prophetic word given to you by God to the peoples and lands so that God’s healing unction will flow and bring healing and restoration to His people and lands in Jesus mighty name. God bless you as you do sin Jesus mighty name. Shalom.

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