Thursday, October 19, 2017

Jehovah the Man of War Heals Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Jehovah the Man of war fights for and heals nations that obey and honor Him. One of the ways God demonstrates His power is by taking over the battles of His children and fighting the enemy in His own way and power in order to give victory to His children. That is why the Bible refers to Him as Jehovah the Man of war. The Bible is replete with accounts of how God took over battles from His children and demonstrated His awesome power to the enemies of His people. Please see Exodus Chapters 14 to 15 for what happened to Pharaoh and his choice chariots at the crossing of the red sea. Pharaoh, the finest crop of his army alongside their chariots were drowned in the red sea by God. In verses 14 to 28 of Exodus Chapter 14, the Egyptians acknowledged that God was fighting for the Israelites against the Egyptians. The Bible also records in those verses that God took off the wheels of that chariots so that the soldiers drove the chariots with difficulty. And because they drove with difficulty, they lacked speed and could not flee before the waters of the sea returned to their full depth It is significant to note that every time God fights for His people, it is total elimination of the enemy, his power base and everything the enemy boasts about.  

Another way God fights for His children is to forgive their sins so that the enemy has no legal ground over the children of God. Please see 1st John Chapter 1 verses 7 to 10. God also fights for His children by chastening them. Please see Hebrews Chapter 12 verses 5 to 13 and Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 11 to 12.

Yet another way is by removing the scales of ignorance and satanic blindness. Please see 2nd Corinthians Chapters 3 verses 14 to 17, 4 verses 3 to 4, and Acts Chapters 13 verses 6 to 12 and 8 verses 29 to 39.

God also fights for His children by cancelling and nullifying every accusation of the devil and his cohorts against the children of God with the blood of Jesus Christ and His word. Please see Zechariah Chapter 3 verses 1 to 10 where He rebuked the devil for trying to hinder Joshua the then high Priest of Israel. Please see also Revelation Chapter 12 verses 10 to 11, Jude 9, John Chapter 8 verses 3 to 11, Isaiah Chapters 54 verses 14 to 17, 8 verses 9 to 10.

Another way God fights for His children is through the deep level and always timely intercession of Jesus Christ for the Church. Please see Romans Chapter verses 31 to 34, Hebrews Chapter 7 verse 25. The Apostle Paul understood this principle and instructed believers to pray always. Please see 1st Thessalonians Chapter 5 verse 17, Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 18 and Colossians Chapter 4 verse 2.

God fights for His children by giving them advance information on how to win the battles that come their way. Call it warfare strategies if you like. There are a number of Biblical instances such as the battles to take over Jericho in Joshua Chapter 6; Ai in Joshua Chapter 8 verses 2 to 22, Midian in Judges Chapter 7, the Philistines in 2nd Samuel Chapter 5 verses 18 to 24 and 8 verses 14.

It is instructive to note that each of these battles were won because the people paid attention to and implemented the strategies God gave to each one of them. This also implies that battles differ therefore strategies also differ. We should therefore never assume that what worked in the past or for certain people will work for us when God has not so spoken or directed.

Sometimes battle strategies could be prompt and willing obedience to the Word of God, genuine repentance, forgiving people, loving other people, witnessing, praying. At other times, it could be outright confrontation with the powers of darkness which is usually a rare occurrence. However, for God to manifest in your situation as the Man of war, the Lord strong and mighty in battle, you must obey His specific commands and instructions. He told the Judeans led by Jehoshaphat to offer praise and as they did so, the three allied nations against Judah slaughtered one another leaving great spoil for Judah. God told Hezekiah and the Judeans to ignore Sennecherib, his army and his threats. The Judeans complied and God took over the battle destroying Sennecherib and his army.

Beloved, God has not changed. He is still God and has power, in point of fact, all power to destroy the forces of evil allied against different peoples and nations of the world. However, the peoples and nations must willingly surrender to the plans and purposes of God for their lives through faith in Jesus Christ and absolute confidence in the power of God to see them through.

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