Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Place of Sound Minds in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Hire minds and not bodies. Minds refer to people with strong mental capabilities albeit mental prowess. These are people of great insight and understanding with huge reserves of knowledge and wisdom. They are usually able to process ideas through to profit, analyze issues through and proffer lasting solutions.

Such people usually resolve personal, family, community, organizational and national challenges. In some families, communities, organizations and nations, they are referred to as the tink tank of such families, organizations, communities and nations. Families, communities, organizations and nations blessed with such rare gifts to humanity enjoy the divine benefits of such gifts to them.

Significantly, minds are people blessed by God with unusual doses of mental alertness and capabilities. It is divine endowment for divine purposes. King Solomon of Israel was one of such persons. His mental prowess brought economic prosperity to the nation of Israel. Please see 1st Kings Chapter 4 verses 20 to 34.

So also was King David. The supposedly least  among his brethren, shepherding the family’s flock, the divine unction for kingship rested on David and with this unction, David a young man who had never been in the army brought down a seasoned soldier and giant, Goliath to become a national hero in Israel. Thereafter, David as King in Israel subdued not only the Philistines but all the enemies of Israel. David succeeded in his military conquests not by might but by the Spirit of God Who always  guided him and gave him divine instructions to quell the attacks of the enemy and bring the enemy to subjection.

Spiritual sensitivity is a trade mark of minds. In this respect, please permit me to illustrate with the prophets Elijah and Elisha. Both were prophets – Elijah was the mentor while Elisha was the mentee. Significantly, Elijah ordained Elisha as directed by God. Subsequently Elijah mentored Elisha. Elisha on the other hand obediently followed Elijah and over time learnt to hear from God and developed spiritual sensitivity; a plus for him because much later this spiritual sensitivity helped Elisha. On the day Elijah was to be taken up, Elisha sensed the transition to glory in his spirit and for the first time ever, obedient Elisha disobeyed Elijah. Elisha refused to stay on in Gilgal as instructed by Elijah. Elisha followed Elijah through to not only Gilgal but Jordan where eventually Elijah asked Elisha to request for something.

Beloved, this is where I appreciate and respect the grace of God in the life of Elisha.  Why? He could have requested for political, financial, intellectual power yet Elisha requested for something of eternal value. He asked for a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. That was a very difficult request to  make and Elijah made it clear  to Elisha and also gave Elisha the condition that would bring about the manifestation of that request.  Having come this far, Elisha was undaunted. He waited until Elijah was taken up to God in a chariot of fire. Thereafter, Elisha tore off his own clothes and took on Elijah’s cloak. Elisha’s request was granted. He was a different man filled with fresh fire in a double measure as well as unlimited unction to do exploits for God; bringing God’s healing unction upon people and nations. That was how Elisha commenced ministry and accomplished thirty two miracle double of Elijah’s sixteen miracles.

Beloved, God has not changed. He still has His minds in families, communities, organizations and nations doing exploits for Him through the divine gifts and asset of mental prowess. Your mental prowess could be to proffer solutions for holy living and peaceful co-existence amongst diverse ethnic nationalities in a nation; or to proffer solutions for food security and other forms of economic development or even technological advancement that would bring about positive transformation in human development. Whatever divine gifts you are blessed with, please be a blessing to humanity by deploying them for the benefit of humanity so that through you, God’s healing will flow in the nations. God bless you as you do so. Shalom.

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