Thursday, February 8, 2018

Consecrate Yourself to God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

A consecrated person is more likely to be used of God to bring healing to the nations. Consecration means usable by the Master. It is one thing to be used by God to do things in the house of God without sanctification and another to be used by God, which is to minister to God and minister the grace of God to the people of God. It is impossible to be consecrated without being sanctified. You should therefore ensure that you do not serve around the temple but in the temple. The prophet Samuel was both sanctified and consecrated. If Jesus sanctified himself, then you should also sanctify yourself. Let this be your desire and commitment. Please see Romans Chapter 6 verse 22, John Chapter 17 verse 19. 

Sanctification is to be set apart by God for God unto a holy life. Sanctification is separation from an unholy life. Sanctification is a purging process that is facilitated by the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer filled with the Holy Spirit and is submissive to the Holy Spirit at all times. Please see Romans Chapter 15 verse 16. Sanctification is your conscious effort to please God. It is your progressive growth to conform to Jesus Christ. Please see Philippians Chapter 2 verse 12, Acts Chapter 13 verses 2 and 3 and John Chapter 17 verse 17. Sanctification is progressive and it is your responsibility. Sanctification in speech is also important. A call to sanctification is a call to promotion. Salvation motivates sanctification. There can be no sanctification if there is no salvation. It is therefore important not to underscore salvation. Please see 2nd Timothy Chapter 2 verses 20 to 22. Salvation is not a feeling because feelings change. You don’t feel salvation; you know it and you must have the assurance. A Christian life should consist of salvation, sanctification and consecration.

Schools of belief and opinions differ on sanctification and salvation. Please see 1st Corinthians Chapter 6 verse 11 and James Chapter 1 verses 22 to 25. Sanctification begins with salvation and is progressive based on James Chapter 1 verses 22 to 25. The motivation for sanctification and consecration is salvation.  A life that is not saved cannot be sanctified and cannot be consecrated.

Justification is inputted to a believer by God. God gives His righteousness the moment s/he gives his life to Christ. Sanctification is also righteousness but progressive righteousness that is inputted on a believer by God. There is a difference between sanctification and consecration. Consecration is to be set apart for divine use. A believer moves from salvation to sanctification and then consecration. Anything that is not sanctified cannot be accepted for divine use. Please see Psalm 4 verse 3, Exodus Chapter 40 verses 9 to 11, Leviticus Chapter 27 verses 14 to 16, and Numbers Chapter 8 verse 7. There is a relationship between sanctification and consecration. The vessels referred to in 2nd Timothy Chapter 2 verses 20 to 22 only become vessels of honor when they are sanctified. It is up to the vessel to decide to be sanctified. A believer has a responsibility to sanctify himself or herself in order to be used by the master. This should be the desire of every child of God. Many people seek consecration without sanctification but God does not work that way. Irrespective of your financial, social or whatever status or titles, you need to sanctify yourself before you can be used of God. Sanctification comes before consecration – there are no shortcuts. Please see Ezekiel Chapter 44 verses 9 to 16.

Sanctification is progressive righteousness. Please see Isaiah Chapter 35 verse 8. The foundation of our Christian race is holiness – Revelation Chapter 4 verse 8. God is holy and He does not change His standards of holiness and because He is holy, He cannot behold iniquity. In Isaiah Chapter 6 verse 3, to be holy is to be completely set apart for God internally and externally. It has nothing to do with pretentious holiness. The people qualified to walk the highway of holiness are those who have a relationship with God. Those who have no relationship with God cannot walk this highway. So also are people who are incorrigible – who always do what seems right in their own eyes. Please see Proverbs Chapter 14 verse 12 and Ephesians Chapter 5 verse 27. Those with spots, blemishes and wrinkles will not pass through the highway of holiness. So also are fools, believers who act like the foolish virgins. These are careless believers.

The people qualified to walk the highway of holiness are those whose hands are clean, those with a pure heart, people who do not tell lies and those who follow peace with all men. Please see Psalm 24 verse 3, Psalm 73 verse 1, Matthew Chapter 5 verse 8, and Psalm 22 verse 4. Some of the people who walked in holiness in the Bible include Abraham, Enoch, Elijah, Paul, Noah, Gideon, Peter.

Success comes by doing exactly what God wants you to do in the way He wants you to do it and how He wants you to do it. If He requires consecration from you, why not commence the full process of sanctification so that you can become consecrated and usable by the Master for every good work and the success you desire.

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