Monday, January 28, 2019

The Power of His Name 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Emmanuel God With Us

The power of His name is reflected in His names and the connotations of His name. one of such names is Emmanuel which means God with Us.

God indwells His children through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, the gift of God that is given to those who obey God. Please read Acts Chapter 5 verse 32. It is no use asking for the infilling of the Holy Spirit if a person has no intention of obeying the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 46 verses 7, 11, Matthew Chapter 1 verse 23, Isaiah Chapters 7 verse 14 and 8 verses 9 to 10.

The Presence of God ensures and guarantees safety, security and deliverance from any of the attacks and projections of the enemy in any form. But for the Presence of God that was with the nation of Israel, Moab deploying the services of a spiritualist named Balaam would have succeeded in cursing Israel and bringing harm to Israel while on their way to the Promised Land. But God stayed both Balaam and Moab from carrying out their designs on Israel. Please read Numbers Chapter 23 verses 19 to 24.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Leadership is Service

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Jesus Christ spent three and a half years in ministry. It is interesting to note that apart from preaching, teaching the word of God, working miracles and bringing salvation to the world and eventually dying for the redemption of humanity, Jesus also raised leaders for the early Church. These were the people who succeeded Jesus in building the early Church. Severally and privately, outside of public glare, Jesus taught them great leadership principles. He made them understand that the primary responsibility of a leader is service. Please see Matthew Chapter 20 verses 20 to 28. The Apostles definitely internalized this principle as they also served the Church of God through prayer and the ministry of the word. Please see Acts Chapter 6 verses 1 to 7. They devoted themselves to this aspect of service; raised other leaders for administrative purposes. Quite significant is the fact that some of these leaders also served God and the early Church through prayer and the ministry of the word. No ministry gift or position supersedes the other therefore no one should lord it over other people in the name of special ministry gift or position by intimidating people with threats of curses, God not blessing them if they do not worship him and members of his family so to speak.

Jesus Christ showed the Church the perfect example of leadership. He served, preaching and teaching people, healing people, raising the dead and performing miracles. Jesus did not literally harass people to follow Him or worship Him. Worship belongs to God and not humans; therefore when fellow humans demand worship from other humans who work or partner with them; then there is a problem because a contrary spirit is at work. This is because a person who is filled with the Holy Spirit and is genuinely working with the Holy Spirit will always seek to serve and not to be served. Please see Luke Chapter 22 verses 24 to 27. Beloved, leadership is service.

A leader should therefore be tolerant, accommodating, focused, selfless, forgiving, and intuitive and be humble enough to accept corrections and rebuke. A leader should have a compelling vision of where s/he is headed otherwise; s/he is driven by personal desires and passions that have nothing to do with the global public good.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Creative Power in the Word of God 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The word of God has the capacity to burn out anything that is not of God as well as the capacity to break rocks in pieces. Please see Jeremiah Chapter 23 verse 29. This is because the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword and can pierce through soul and spirit, joint and marrow, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart. That explains why sinners break down in tears, become convicted of sins and repent of their sins. It is also why believers are daily cleansed by the word of God as they renew their minds on the word of God (Romans Chapter 12 verses 1 and 2, John Chapter 15 verse 3.

Additionally, the word of God cleanses to bring about spiritual cleansing, healing and transformation. Please see Psalm 119 verse 9, Ephesians Chapter 5 verse 26, and John Chapter 15 verse 3.

The word of God has power because Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh (John Chapter 1 verses 1 to 9, Revelation Chapter 19 verses 13 to 16 and 1st Corinthians Chapter 1 verse 24). Therefore, pray that the word of God will daily unfold in the hearts of people and bring light and give understanding to the simple in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please read Psalm 119 verse 130.

The Creative Power in the Word of God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

There is power in the word of God, the power to create out of nothing (Romans Chapter 4 verses 17 to 25, Genesis Chapter 1). Examples include the creation story where God created the universe out of a formless empty space covered by darkness. God created life and beauty by His Spirit through the spoken word, and God said, let there… and there was.

The word of God also has the capacity to give life to what appears dead and to make impossibilities possibilities. The prophet Ezekiel prophesied the word of God as directed by the Spirit of God and the very dry bones, long dead and forgotten in the valley of dry bones came alive as a powerful army of God. As Ezekiel prophesied, the spoken word of God that does not return to God void accomplished divine purpose by restructuring the bones and activating lives in them. Please see Ezekiel Chapter 37 verses 1 to 14, Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 8 to 11.

Beloved, God is able to restore life back to whatever appears dead in any area of your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Through the power of the spoken word of God, every stagnation and seeming lack of progress in any area of your life will give way to great progressive movements that will birth overflowing abundance in your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. This is the day which God made to put a new song of great joy and celebration in your mouth. Celebrate this day with thanksgiving and watch God unleash the floodgates of divine abundance, uncommon favor and awesome deliverance in your life in the mighty name of Jesus. God is always able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ever ask or think of in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...