Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Individual Repentance for Healing the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Repentance is a change of mind, a change of heart, a change of course of life from sin to righteousness. Please see Luke Chapter 6 verse 44.  True repentance is manifested in a genuine turning away from sin, further demonstrated in a genuine hatred for sin. Please see Romans Chapter 12 verse 9, Psalm 119 verse 104, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 7 verse 10, Luke Chapter 22 verse 62, Proverbs Chapter 28 verse 13, Ezekiel Chapter 14 verse 6. A person who does not hate sin loves sin.  Unfortunately, many people give or make excuses for sin - Genesis Chapter 3 verse 13. When people make excuses for sin, the sin becomes a besetting sin. But when people acknowledge their sins and repent of them, they receive grace to completely turn away from the sin.  

Repentance is also reflected when a person bears the fruits of repentance. When Paul was converted there was a complete transformation; a u-turn from persecuting the Church to promoting the Church. He embraced the belief that he vehemently rejected.  Consequently, the same people who admired him and employed him became his persecutors who wanted to kill him. Please see Please see Acts Chapter 8 verses 1 to 4, and Acts Chapter 9. Paul was a student of law under Gamaliel but Paul became the leading Apostle of the Christian faith after repentance.
The Apostle Paul’s conversion is a model of genuine salvation. He was converted from Saul of Tarsus to Paul the Apostle. He became a vessel of God for healing the nations as he preached the gospel from Jerusalem to other nations in some parts of Asia and Europe. In addition to the spiritual regeneration of the peoples he preached to, there was also healings from all manner of sicknesses  and diseases coupled with national healings as peoples and communities turned from idol worship to the worship of Jehovah God through His son Jesus Christ who the Apostle Paul preached boldly. Anyone who claims to be converted must demonstrate such conversion by total transformation. The proof that you are now a carrier of the Holy Spirit is by the transformation in your life. Please see 1st Corinthians Chapter 1 verse 18. If Apostle Paul could change, there is no human being that God cannot change. This means that as many people who have confessed the Lordship of Jesus Christ in the various nations of the world have the God given capacity to heal the nations through their transformed lives. Unfortunately, many believers do not have proof of a changed life.

Beloved, God requires genuine repentance from individuals and family members that make up nations so that their transformed lives will bring about transformation by the Holy Spirit in their nations. For instance, unregenerate violent persons who probably make up the bulk of persons in their communities and nations who confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ and actually do a complete u-turn from sin to righteousness will bring about healing to their communities and nations by their regenerated lifestyles in Christ Jesus. Similarly, corruption can be completely gotten rid of in nations with records of massive corruption that has become endemic; if only the nationals of such countries opt to live by the Spirit of God as they confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  My prayer is that the countries struggling with deep rooted issues of corruption will be freed and healed by God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Finally, repentance is also reflected in restitution, which is righting the wrongs you did in the past. You may have to apologize to people you probably maligned publicly or return stolen property. However, restitution should be subject to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our relationship with God as well as our repentance must be genuine. Please see Acts Chapter 3 verse 19.

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