Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Women in Nation Building

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Women are relevant to God in diverse ways. This is because God also uses women as vessels of honor in nation building as well as healing the nations. However, for any woman to be relevant in God’s scheme of affairs, that woman has to be relevant to God in His own ways and timing. Significantly, you and I can become such women, vessels in the hands of God for nation building and healing the nations. How, you may ask? By possibly taking a cue from some of the women of relevance in the Bible; the women who were strategically positioned to fulfill purpose so that you and I are relevant in nation building and healing the nations as the world celebrates Mother’s Day on Sunday, 11th March 2018..

By being Prayerful

Prophetess Anna was both prayerful and kingdom minded. After being widowed at an early age, Prophetess Anna spent her entire life working with God for the manifestation of God’s plans and purposes for humanity. She did this faithfully for about seventy years. After setting her eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, she willingly departed the earth for greater glories. Please see Luke Chapter 2 verses 36 to 37. Other women who were prayerful and in the process birthed divine destinies include Hannah the mother of Prophet Samuel, the mother of John Mark whose house was a house of prayer where constant prayer was made for Peter and he escaped the death trap of King Herod who killed believers for the fun of it. These women prayed down God’s plans and purposes. They were not asking God for the latest designs from the luxury designers of the world; neither were they asking for luxury homes. They were concerned with the will of God and were praying down the will of God, warring in the heavenlies against forces opposed to the will of God for humanity and His saints.

By being Kingdom Minded

The woman of relevance is kingdom minded, supports the work of the kingdom and ministers of God. Some Biblical examples include the woman of Shunem, Dorcas, Lydia, and the numerous women who supported the ministry of Jesus Christ with their resources. Please see Luke Chapter 8 verses 1 to 3, 2nd Kings Chapter 4, Acts Chapters 9 verses 36 to 42; 16 verses 14 to 15. She also evangelizes. A classic example is the woman at the well (John Chapter 4), Mary who saw the risen Jesus Christ and informed the apostles. They did not go gossiping; talking about irrelevant issues. They shared the gospel.

She gives her best to the Lord thus making her relevant at all times and globally. Please see Matthew Chapter 26 verses 7 to 12, the woman who poured the fragrant oil on Jesus Christ. Please see Luke Chapter 7 verses 37 to 38. She gives sacrificially because she loves the Lord. The widow who gave her two mites, her entire livelihood and was commended by the Lord Jesus Christ is a classic example. Please see Luke Chapter 21 verses 1 to 4. The widow of Zarephath is also an example. Please see 1st Kings Chapter 17.

She plans and prepares. The wise virgins of Matthew Chapter 25 verses 1 to 9 as well as the virtuous woman of Proverbs Chapter 30 are great examples. So also is Jechobed the mother of Moses. Also, she goes in search of what is of value. The queen of Sheba, the virtuous woman and Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus Christ to hear the gospel of salvation from the mouth of Jesus Christ are some examples. Such an opportunity never presented itself again. The virtuous woman went in search of her valuable articles of trade.

She is wealthy and resourceful as well as very diligent. The unnamed virtuous woman of Proverbs Chapter 30 verses 10 to 31 readily comes to mind. So also are Lydia who accommodated the Apostle Paul and his co-workers in the vineyard; Dorcas who cared for widows in Joppa with her resources and the artistic women who helped out in designing materials for the building of the tabernacle.

The woman of relevance who is relevant in God’s scheme of affairs is humble. Sarah, the wife of the patriarch Abraham was humble and submissive to her husband, Abraham. Please see 2nd Peter Chapter 3 verses 1 to 6. Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation [coupled] with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward [adorning] of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But [let it be] the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, [even the ornament] of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. She is sensitive to the Holy Spirit as Anna the Prophetess was. Please see Luke Chapter 2 verses 36 to 38. She obeys God and the instructions of God. The Prophetess Huldah and Deborah readily come to mind. So also is the widow of the indebted Prophet. She has great communication skills like Abigail and the woman of Shunem. She gives godly counsel, for example King Lemuel’s mother who gave godly counsel to her son.

She is also discreet – Ruth, Esther, Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, Jechobed the mother of Moses and the widow of the indebted prophet are some examples. They did not blab about the divine assignments committed into their hands. They executed them successfully. She is humble – the Syro-phoenician woman.

She is bold and courageous. Jael the wife of Heber (Judges Chapter 4 verses 17 to 21, the certain woman in Judges Chapter 9 verses 1 to 57 who crushed the skull of Abimelech with an upper millstone. So also is Prophetess Deborah who accompanied Barak to war and Israel was victorious. The wise woman of Abel in Beth Maacah, who advised her people to kill Sheba; a man who had rebelled against King David and took refuge in Abel in Beth Maacah is also an example of bold and courageous women. Sheba was killed and Joab the commander of David’s army refrained from attacking the community. Please see 2nd Samuel Chapter 20. 
The world is waiting for you to manifest as God’s wonderful woman of relevance. How much longer should they wait?

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