Monday, May 28, 2018

Your Tongue can be a Healing Stream

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The wise use of the tongue can ensure that your tongue becomes a healing stream. Please see Proverbs Chapter 15 verses 7, 23, 28, 14, 40, 4; 10 verses 11, 13, 20 to 21, 31 to 32; 12 verse 18, 16 verses 20 to 24; 15 verse 30.

One of the most pressing problems in the world today is the way people use their tongues. Hate speech is pervasive in spite of laws that have been enacted globally against the trend. People enjoy cursing; using four letter words, invectives at the slightest provocation. Unfortunately, this trend is fast becoming pervasive among Christians as some Christians are quick to use their tongues to make negative pronouncements against people who hurt them and abuse people who misbehave or are rude to them. This worrisome trend has assumed frightful dimensions as even some ordained Ministers of the gospel pronounce curses on people who offend or hurt them, use invectives against other people even from the pulpit. Beloved, this is not right.  The Scriptures do not permit such behavior. Please see Numbers Chapter 16 verses 12 to 35, 17 verses 1 to 7.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ consistently and always used His tongue as a healing stream just as God ordained for Him to do. Please Luke Chapter 4 verse 18 to 19, Isaiah Chapter 61 verses 1 to 3, John Chapter 6 verse 63. Severally, Jesus Christ used His tongue to bring healing, comfort, hope, life, deliverance and freedom from all kinds of oppression to great multitudes. Please see Acts Chapter 10 verse 38, Mark Chapter verses 17 to 27, Luke Chapter 9 verses 38 to 43 for details of His ministration to the epileptic boy; Luke Chapter 13 verses 11 to 16 for details of His ministry to the woman who was bent over for eighteen years; Matthew Chapter 9 verses 20 to 22, Luke Chapter 8 verses 43 to 48, Mark Chapter 5 verses 25 to 34 for details of the kind words He spoke to the woman with the issue of blood; Mark Chapter 5 for His ministry to the Gadarene demoniac. A number of other examples can be found in the gospels, Matthew through to John.

The Apostles of Jesus Christ also followed in the steps of Jesus Christ to bring healing, comfort, hope, life, deliverance and freedom from all kinds of oppression to many people in diverse communities, cities, and countries. The Apostle Peter spoke healing to the lame man at the Beautiful Gate. The man who had been lame from birth received strength in his limbs and walked. Please see Acts Chapter 3 verses 1 to 11. The Bible records that several people received their healings through Peter. Please see Acts Chapter 5 verses 15 to 16. He spoke healing to Aeneas who had been bedridden for eight years and he was healed. He prayed for Dorcas who died and she was raised to life. Please see Acts Chapter 9 verses 32 to 43. Cornelius, a centurion of the Italian Regiment alongside members of his household received salvation as Peter preached Christ to them. Please Acts Chapter 10.

The tongues of the members of the Early Church saved Peter from untimely death. They were praying constantly for Peter’s release even though the death sentence had been signed. God honored their faith and wise use of their tongues. Peter was released from prison by an angel. Please see Acts Chapter 12 verses 1 to 16.

The Apostle Paul used his tongue in both preaching the gospel and praying for the vulnerable flock of Christ who could be lost and devoured. Please see Galatians Chapter 4 verse 19, Romans Chapter 9 verses 1 to 3, 10 verses 1 to 4, 11, Philippians Chapter 2 verses 25 to 30.
Moses’ tongue was a blessing to the people of Israel. He used his tongue in teaching them the word of God. Also, Moses interceded for the Israelites severally and God listened. But for the fervent intercession of Moses for Israel, who knows, the nation of Israel would have become extinct in the wilderness as they journeyed to Canaan. Please see Exodus Chapter 32 verses 1 to 14, 30 to 35, Numbers Chapter 11 verses 1 to 3, 14 verses 5 to 20, 20 verses 1 to 7, Deuteronomy Chapter 9, 10 verse 10.

Nehemiah He travailed for the restoration of Israel to its former glory. Please see Nehemiah Chapter 1. Daniel prayed for Israel in captivity to be restored to their homeland. Daniel Chapter 9. Esther travailed against the proposed annihilation of the Jews sponsored by Haman. She also spoke up to the King and the Jews were spared. Anna travailed for the purposes of God for Israel and humanity. Please see Luke Chapter 2 verses 36 to 38. Jeremiah interceded for the people of Israel severally in spite of God’s repeated instructions to Jeremiah not to intercede for the people. Please see Jeremiah Chapters 7 verses 16 to 20, 14 verses 11 to 12 and 15 verse 1.

Is your tongue a healing stream that is blessing and transforming lives and by implication bringing healing to the nations of the world? If yes, you have only started. The best is yet to come as many more people are patiently waiting to be healed by your tongue. If no, you can start now and God bless you and increase you on all sides as you do so in Jesus mighty name. Shalom.

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