Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Place of Justice in Healing the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

King Solomon was feared and respected in the land of Israel because he administered justice in the land. It is significant to note that King Solomon’s ability to administer justice in the land was on account of the wisdom of God in him. On his own, Solomon would not have been able to administer justice in the land. But because Solomon had earlier on asked God for wisdom; an understanding heart to judge the people of God so that he would be able to discern between good and evil; he was able to administer justice in the land. The Bible records that the request of Solomon pleased the Lord and God Who always exceeds the expectations of His loved ones gave Solomon additional blessings. Please see 1st Kings Chapter 3 verses 1 to 28, take note of verses 9 to 14, 27 to 28 and Ephesians Chapter 3 verse 20.

Beloved, the administration of justice in any land; even in families, corporations, institutions and communities is to a large extent pivotal to peace and economic prosperity in any land. The land of Israel experienced and enjoyed peace and economic prosperity during the reign of Solomon. Please see 1st Kings Chapters 4 verses 24 to 34, take note of verses 24 to 25; 5 verse 12; 10 verses 24 to 29, take note of verse 27 and 2nd Chronicles Chapter 9 verses 22 to 28. The land also enjoyed sustainable development, great international trade, fame ad human capacity development. A good number of Israelites were trained in Tyre to cut timber and prepare for building. Please see 1st Kings Chapter 5 verses 13 to 14.

The example of Solomon implies that the administration of justice in any land is pivotal and therefore a critical factor of peace, economic prosperity, infrastructural and human capacity development in the land. That explains why the mother of King Lemuel counseled King Lemuel to avoid promiscuity and intoxicating drink so that he would give prime attention to the law; he would not forget the law and pervert justice in the land. She further counseled him to speak for the speechless, the voiceless and vulnerable in the society; judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy in the land. Please see Proverbs Chapter 31 verses 1 to 9. This counsel is very significant for anyone who aspires to lead over people. This is because justice is a firm ladder for leading successfully and living a legacy of peace, economic prosperity and happiness in the land.

Additionally, the administration of justice always brings healing to the land. The nation of Israel under the leadership of King Saul killed some Gibeonites, an ethnic group that Joshua and the leadership of Israel promised to protect and allow live in Israel. Though this act of injustice was waved aside during the leadership of  King Saul; that seeming justifiable action cost Israel food security and prosperity many years after as the land was ravaged by famine. Fortunately, King David wisely sought the face of God concerning the lingering famine in the land and God gave the reason. Significantly, it was after the unjustly shed innocent blood of the Gibeonites was atoned that the land was healed. Please see 2nd Samuel Chapter 21 verses 1 to 14, Joshua Chapters 9 and 10. In spite of the fact that the Gibeonites were an ethnic minority group in Israel (Wood cutters and water fetchers and carriers); God took notice of the acts of injustice against them. Until that injustice was redressed, the land suffered.

Beloved, God hates injustice at any levels. That is why the Bible severally warns against acts of injustice even amongst spouses, friends, business partners, nations and communities. Please see Proverbs Chapters 28 verse 16; 23 verses 10 to 11; 20 verse 23; 17 verse 23, Deuteronomy Chapters 16 verses 18 to 19; 17 verses 16 to 20; 24 verses 10 to 17; 25 verses 14 to 16; Malachi Chapter 2 verses 13 to 16, Jeremiah Chapter 5 verses 16 to 31.

King Ahab refused to deal with the spirit of covetousness that held him captive and violated God’s divine instructions by coveting the vineyard of seemingly helpless citizen Naboth. Naboth was subsequently falsely arraigned by Jezebel, the wife of Ahab. Tried by an unjust court made up of Jezebel’s cronies, Naboth was sentenced to death and his vineyard was taken over by Ahab. As seemingly helpless as Naboth appeared in the eyes of Ahab, Jezebel and their cronies, Naboth was actually not helpless as God who reigns in the affairs of humans wherever they are located took note of the great act of injustice against Naboth and acted promptly. Ahab and his wife alongside their lineage were judged and sentenced by God.

Beloved, God hates injustice but He also loves the perpetrators of injustice and wants to them to repent so that the lands they live in or rule or lead can be healed. It is not too late for repentance at family, community or national level so that God’s healing streams of forgiveness and redemption of both humans and the land can flow ceaselessly for the lands to be healed. God is waiting, patiently for the process to commence now and you can actually jump-start it by asking God for repentance. You may not be one of the perpetrator’s but you can stand in prayer, fervent intercession for the healing of the land so that God can stay judgment in the land. God bless you as you do so. Shalom.

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