Monday, October 29, 2018

Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit to Intercede

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

He is the Spirit of grace and supplication (Zechariah Chapter 12 verse 10, Luke Chapter 2 verse 40, and Romans Chapter 8 verses 26 to 28).

All the intercessors mentioned in the Bible had the Holy Spirit without measure. That is why they prayed the purposes of God and His perfect will. Jesus, the perfection of intercession and the perfect intercessor was and is full of the Holy Spirit. Please see Isaiah Chapter 11 verse 2, Matthew Chapters 1 verse 20; 3 verse 16, 4 verse 1, Luke Chapters 1 verse 35; 4 verses 18 to 19, Romans Chapter 8 verse 34, Hebrews Chapter 7 verse 25.

The Apostle Paul, a great man of prayer, writing by the Holy Spirit instructed believers to pray without ceasing. Please see 1st Thessalonians Chapter 5 verse 17, Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 18; thereby reiterating what Jesus taught in Luke Chapter 18 verse 1. Beloved, PRAY! PRAY!! PRAY!!!; NOT BY MIGHT BUT BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD.

Anna the prophetess spent her days and nights in prayers and fasting. Significantly, the Bible does not record that Anna was praying for her children or properties. She was widowed at a young age yet she spent her days and nights interceding for the kingdom of God; the plans and purposes of God; the perfect will of God to be established. Prophetess Anna was able to do this because she was filled with the Spirit of grace and supplication and she also respected and honored the Spirit of grace and supplication. Please see Luke Chapter 2 verses 36 to 37.

So also was Simeon who recognized Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. Please see Luke Chapter 2 verses 25 to 32.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit 4

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Holy Spirit teaches, instructs and directs the people of God to profit by leading them in the way they should go. Please see Isaiah Chapter 48 verses 17 to 18, Psalm 81 verses 10 to 16 so that they do not labor in vain like the Ostrich who lacks wisdom because it is the will of God for His children to labor for profit. Please see Job Chapter 39 verses 13 to 18, Isaiah Chapters 65 verses 19 to 24, 28 verses 23 to 29. God in His infinite mercy and wisdom gives believers the Holy Spirit to instruct them for profit so that they do not partner with destructive partners like the wild ox described in Job Chapter 39 verses 10 to 12.

Quite instructive, planting seasons, maintenance seasons, types of maintenance, harvest seasons and care of the harvested produce differ. Therefore, believers should follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit to ensure that a very ready ripe harvest is brought in immediately, cared for and some left over to plant to bring in other harvests as in the case of the Church in Philippi. That Church as well as other Churches in Macedonia became so kingdom minded and kingdom projects supportive that even at a time of great trail of affliction, they supported kingdom people, projects and activities, ministering to the needs of the saints and the Church. Please see 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verses. Please see 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verses 1 to 5. It is instructive that they also completely surrendered to God as the Bible records that they first gave themselves to the Lord. Please see Philippians Chapter 4 verses 10 to 19. Paul prayed specially for their needs to be met by God; especially the Church in Philippi. 

Therefore, take advantage of the planting seasons God gives to you through His Holy Spirit and plant promptly. Do same for maintenance and harvest seasons and remember that methodologies differ (Isaiah Chapter 28 verses 23 to 29). The Holy Spirit will guide you if only you will pay attention. 

Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Holy Spirit is key to fruitfulness and multiplication and increase because He is the One Who gives divine direction which leads to fruitfulness. One of the ways to labor for profit is to walk in divine direction – obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit (Genesis Chapter 26, Psalm 127 verse 1, Proverbs Chapter 23 verse 4, Isaiah Chapters 45 verses 13 to 14, 48 verse 17, 58 verses 11 to 12. Fruitfulness, multiplication and increase come by the Holy Spirit. Please see Isaiah Chapter 63 verse 23, Ezekiel Chapter 29 verses 18 to 20.

It is quite instructive that because Paul and his team members were sensitive to the Holy Spirit and also obeyed the Holy Spirit, much result oriented work was done where the Holy Spirit directed them to, a field ready for harvest. Significantly, it buttresses the fact that it is not by might nor by power (Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 6). Paul and his colleagues wanted to go and preach in Asia (preaching the word of God is doing the work of the kingdom and this should gladden the heart of God); yet they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach in Asia, including Bithynia. This was because God had a different location for them; a place where souls ripe for harvest were waiting to hear the gospel but unfortunately no one was preaching the gospel there and then. Fortunately, Paul and his team members obeyed the Holy Spirit and allowed their steps to be ordered of God to Macedonia in response to the Macedonian call. Lydia and her household were harvested into the kingdom. Additionally, the girl with spirit of divination was set free.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch. And of the rest durst no man  join himself to them: but the people magnified them.  And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.)  Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid [them] on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. There came also a multitude [out] of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one. Acts Chapter 5 verses 12 to 16.

Anytime the Holy Spirit is allowed to move freely, victory is always guaranteed through abundant harvests, healing, deliverance, divine guidance that leads to prosperity. Please see Luke Chapter 4 verses 1 to 19, John Chapter 4 verses 1 to 43, Acts Chapter 2 verses 41, 47, 4 verse 31, 6 verse 7. The great prosperity of the early Church was hinged on sensitivity to and obedience to the Holy Spirit.

It is good to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit but that good should progress to better through loving and willing obedience; and best through prompt obedience. Sensitivity without obedience does not bring about results. It is no use asking for the infilling of the Holy Spirit if a person has no intention of obeying the Holy Spirit. Consistent obedience to the Holy Spirit leads to fruitfulness and fruitfulness leads to multiplication. The early Church was exceedingly fruitful in all aspects of ministry such as evangelism, soul harvests, intercession, finances and financing, miracles, care of the vulnerable and needy, you name it and multiplied greatly despite persecutions and other challenges because the leadership and members of the early Church were subject to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and obeyed the instructions of the Holy Spirit promptly.

Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the Spirit of the Living God which explains why He is referred to as the Spirit of God. Please see Acts Chapter 2 verses 17, Joel Chapter 2 verses 28 to 29, 1st Corinthians Chapter 12 verse 3, 3 verse 16, 2 verses 11 and 14, Romans Chapter 8 verses 9 and 14, 1st John Chapter 4 verse 2, Matthew Chapter 1 verse 28, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 24 verse 20, 15 verse 1, 1st Samuel Chapter 19 verse 20, 23, Exodus Chapter 31 verse 3, 35 verse 31 and Isaiah Chapter 48 verse 16. This implies that The Holy Spirit is not a physical person. The Holy Spirit is a person and not a wind, a force or a thing. He is the third person of the Trinity. Please read 1st John Chapter 5 verse 7, John Chapter 16 verse 13. The wind and fire are evidences of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Please read Acts Chapter 2 verses 14 to 21, 1st Corinthians Chapter 14 verse 2, Romans Chapter 8 verses 26 to 27. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Praise Heals Peoples and Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation Chapter 4 verse 11.

Praise to God is always a sweet smelling savor, a worthy sacrifice which God always delights in and responds to. God is great and worthy to be praised. He deserves your praises and the praises of the peoples of the earth and the nations of the earth. To start with, God created you, the peoples of the nations and the nations of the earth as well as everything that resides in the earth. He did all of these for His pleasure. Please Revelation Chapter 4 verse 11.

Therefore, one of the great gifts you can give to God at all times is to praise Him. Give God praise in whatever situation, place or position you find yourself in.  Do not allow the circumstances overwhelm you; rather overwhelm and overcome the circumstances through praise and the undiluted word of God. The Psalmist noted that he would praise the Lord at all times and that the praise of God would always dwell in His mouth. Beloved, to praise God does not require and attract any monetary cost. Therefore there is no reason why anyone should not praise God. Every ingredient required to praise God is embedded in you – your voice, your mouth, your thought processes and imagination. All you need do is PRAISE.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...