Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Power of His Name 3, Emmanuel God With Us

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can practically do anything spiritual, physical, intellectual, godly and legal when God is with you. God promised to be with Isaac in Gerar and in spite of the famine in the land, Isaac planted precious seed in a land afflicted by drought. He reaped bountiful harvests. Please read Genesis Chapter 26. Additionally, Isaac survived the envy of the Philistines against him. Despite claiming wells Isaac and his herdsmen had dug up as theirs, the Presence of God in the life of Isaac directed him and his herdsmen to where they could dig wells with water.

God promised to be with Moses when He commissioned Moses to go ask Pharaoh to release the children of Israel from Egypt. Please read Exodus Chapter 3 verses 1 to 12. When Moses complained about his inability to speak eloquently, God promised to also be with the mouth of Moses; to instruct him on what to say. And when Moses complained further, God promised to be with both the mouths of Moses and Aaron, the older brother of Moses. Please read Exodus Chapter 4 verses 10 to 16.

God was with Moses at all times in all of his negotiations with Pharaoh. Please read Exodus Chapters 3 verse 12. That explains why Moses scored many victories against Pharaoh. The awesome Presence of God that was always with Moses and his brother Aaron paved the way for each of the negotiations with Pharaoh.

Moses understood the power and essence of the presence of God in both his life and the people of Israel. That explains why Moses insisted on having the Presence of God go with them as they journeyed to the Promised Land. Please read Exodus Chapters 13 verses 21 to 22 and 33 verses 12 to 17.

It is apparent that each time God commissions a person to implement a divine assignment, God always promises to be with the person. When Joshua was about to take on the seemingly oversized shoes of Moses, God made the same promise of being with Moses with Joshua; promising never to leave or forsake Joshua. Thus Joshua also enjoyed the presence of God and because God was with Joshua, his fame spread throughout all the country. Please read Joshua Chapter 1 verses 1 to 8, take note of verses 5, 9 and 17 as well as 6 verse 27.  Through the Presence of God and the great power of God at work in the life of Joshua, Joshua and the army of Israel slew kings, peoples and nations who were supposedly great and dispossessed them of their lands and other possessions. Great nations like Jericho, Ai and other nations in Canaan were overrun and dispossessed.

The Bible records in the Old Testament book of 2nd Chronicles Chapter 15 verses 1 to 15            that the people flocked to King Asa (all Judah and Benjamin, Ephraim, Manasseh and Simeon) because they saw that God was with Asa. The presence of God in the life of Asa coupled with Asa’s commitment to serve God with all his heart encouraged the people to turn wholeheartedly to God and when they did so, the insecurity in the as well as the unceasing wars with their neighbors came to an abrupt end. The Bible records that God gave them rest all around and there was no war until the thirty fifth year of Asa’s reign.

If God is with you, people will flock to you in large numbers and you will enjoy great peace and abundance as evidenced in the life of King Asa and other Kings. However, for God to be with you, you also have to be with God. How? Asa loved, trusted God and acted in tandem with the commandments of God.

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