Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Contributions of Exceptional Mothers to the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

There are several dimensions to healing the nations. One of them is godly parenting that incorporates the fear of God and respect for other people into the consciousness of the child.

The Mother of King Lemuel Proverbs Chapter 30 verses 1 to 9
Though her name is not mentioned in the Bible, the name of her son, King Lemuel is mentioned, significantly in connection with what his mother taught him (Please see Deuteronomy Chapters 6 verses 6 to 9, 4 verses 5 to 10). The Bible states that King Lemuel’s mother instructed him to practice justice and equity in his domain, to open his mouth for the speechless, that is to speak for those who  had no voice in the society, intervene in cases of people sentenced to death, to plead the cause of the poor and needy.

King Lemuel was instructed by his mother to speak up at all times and judge righteously as a King. This instruction is in keeping with the word of God in Proverbs Chapter 16 verse 12, 20 verse 8, 29 verses 4 and 14.

To rule effectively, and to dispense justice in the land, King Lemuel’s mother cautioned her son not to engage in that which destroys king which she enumerated as – give his strength to women, drink wine or intoxicating drink. She noted that when kings multiply women against the commandments of God (Deuteronomy Chapter 17 verses 14 to 20) and rise to drink wine and intoxicating drink, they forget the law and pervert the justice of all the afflicted. She therefore instructed her son quite early in life not to engage in such destructive activities.

The mother of King Lemuel was an exceptional mother, in point of fact, one of the mothers to be celebrated. She had a godly view and understanding of kingship – to rule in the fear of God and be a blessing to humanity. She is different from the likes of Jezebel and Athalliah who used positions of power for oppression; and for promoting the practice of idolatry in the land.

Jechobed, the mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam was an exceptional mother who contributed immensely to the healing of the nation of Israel in Egypt and in the wilderness. How? God used her to raise three national leaders for Israel, two prophets and the first High Priest of Israel.
Anna the Prophetess served as an exceptional mother for the nation of Israel. She spent the bulk of her life praying for the salvation of Israel and humanity.

Deborah the Prophetess not only prophesied the deliverance of Israel from Jabin, the King of Canaan but also accompanied Barak to war and Israel was freed from the oppression of Jabin through Sisera, the military commander of King Jabin.

Queen Esther used her position and influence to stop the destruction of the Jews. Hannah the mother of Samuel gave up her then only child for the service of God. Significantly, Samuel served as one of the great prophets of God bringing national healing and deliverance from the spiritual decay and moral rot that characterized the tail end of Eli’s ministry.

Other exceptional mothers include Mary the mother of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, Huldah the Prophetess, Miriam the Prophetess, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, Lois, the grandmother of Timothy, Eunice, the mother of Timothy and the mother of John Mark. 


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