Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Place of Restitution in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Sometimes, restitution, the practice of restoring whatever was taken illegally by force of arms, subtlety or deceit is necessary for the healing of the nations, communities, organizations, families and individuals.

In the book of Genesis Chapter 12 verses 14 to 20, the Bible records an interesting story of what transpired between Abraham and Pharaoh. Until Pharaoh restituted Sarah back to Abraham, the lawful and rightful owner of Sarah, the Bible records that God plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because he took Sarah, Abraham’s wife as one of his wives. King Abimelech of Gerar also took on Sarah as one of his wives but God rebuked him and asked him to return Sarah back to Abraham. Thereafter, he and his household were restored. Please see Genesis Chapter 20 for full details of this very instructive story.

The Israelites under King David experienced and suffered famine for three years and when eventually King David went to  inquire of the LORD, God revealed that Israel had transgressed through Saul and his bloodthirsty house who killed the Gibeonites, people whom Israel had sworn protection to under the leadership of Joshua. Please see Joshua Chapter 9 for details of the transaction.

David responded to this revelation by discussing with the Gibeonites. When David asked what should be done for them to restitute the wrong Saul and his household did to them, they requested that seven men of Saul’s descendants should be delivered to them for them to hang before the LORD in Gibeah of Saul. King David acceded to their request and the men were hung. A concubine of Saul, Rizpah covered them until David heard about it and the bones of the seven men alongside those of Saul and his son Jonathan were buried in the country of Benjamin in Zelah, in the tomb of Kish his father. Please see 2nd Samuel Chapter 21.

Thereafter, God heeded the prayer for the land (2nd Samuel Chapter 21 verse 14). This is to say that praying for healing, restoration, abundance, open heavens may be a waste of time if restitution is not carried out especially when it is required in addition to repentance to facilitate the healing. Sometimes, direct restitution may not be possible. In such cases, a person should ask God for clear and specific leading on what to do. And when God gives such leading, a person should promptly obey God for healing and restoration to take place.


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