Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Place of Praise in the Healing of the Nations

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Praise unlocks divine blessings. Divine blessings are myriad and diverse. You can unlock divine blessings through praise; I mean quality, genuine and glorious praise of God and to God. The praise to God and for God flows from your heart in appreciation of who God is to God and for God. Such praise is not designed for showmanship that you are the best singer or the one who knows how best to praise God. No. such praise is your acknowledgment of God’s supremacy, sovereignty, Lordship and headship over you, that He is your Creator and you are grateful to Him for who He is. In essence, you celebrate God for who He is and not necessarily for what He did or what He will do for you. You celebrate Him because He is God.

God appreciates such praise and inhabits such praises – meaning that if you always praise God, you will always be filed with the indwelling presence of God. Please see Psalm 22 verse 3.

Praise is also a worthy sacrifice to God (Psalm 50 verse, Jeremiah Chapter 33 verse 11 and Hebrews Chapter 13 verse 15) and if offered from the depths of the heart with genuine and best intent, praise becomes a precious seed (Psalm 126 verses 5 to 6) that always yields bountiful harvests of joy, peace, increase, salvation, deliverance, abundance, protection, celebration, victories and promotions (Psalm 67 verses 1 to 7).

It is significant that not everyone can bring the sacrifice of praise to God. However, those who do so always give it to God and they bring it into the house of God.

King David always praised God – he woke up in the early hours of the day to praise God (Psalm 108 verses 1 to 4) for His mercies, praised God seven times a day (Psalm 119 verses 164) and progressed to praising God at all times (Psalm 34 verse 1, 71 verses 6, 14 to 15). Also, when the Ark was to be brought to Jerusalem from the house of Obed-Edom, David ensured that the music ministers were carefully selected to praise God (1st Chronicles  Chapter 15 verses 14 to 29, 16 verses  1 to 42) with resounding joy – so it was not just the ability to sing. The condition of the heart was critically important to the quality of praise – gladness, resounding joy.

In the days of King Hezekiah, the Levites appointed to minister in songs also ministered songs of praise to God with gladness (2nd Chronicles Chapters 29 verses 25 to 30, note verse 30, and then 30 verse 21).

The Judeans under King Jehoshaphat praised God when they were attacked by three enemy nations allied together against Judah. As they praised God, the enemy nations attacked one another, eliminated one another and left huge loot that took the Judeans three days to cart away. Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 20. God certainly inhabits the praises of His people.


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