Friday, March 31, 2017

The Role of Young People in Healing the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God raised David at a time that Goliath had inflicted terrible damages in the national army of Israel. Through the use of words, the strife of tongues, words that intimidate to terrify and immobilize coupled with a terrifying stature, Goliath succeeded in bringing a very heavily mobilized army to inaction.  He used fear encoded in his choice of words to immobilize the army of God. For forty days and forty nights, the national army of Israel experienced unnecessary terror, humiliation at the hands of Goliath until David heard those words. The Spirit of God in David moved David to challenge the opposition and intimidation. Significantly, it was a battle of words as both Goliath and David used words. But David used words anointed by God (where the word of a King is, there is power). As David released the words by the Spirit of God, the power of God accompanied the words and in no time, Goliath in spite of his intimidating physical stature, military expertise, experience and prowess was brought down by David.

Esther was a very young woman when she was suddenly tasked with the responsibility of interceding for the safety of the Jews. Haman had passed a death sentence on the Jews and going by the irreversible laws of the Persians and the Medes, Esther’s task was a tall dream. But Esther went to God and God used her tremendously. Though the laws were not reversed, Haman was killed, the Jews were empowered with a new set of laws to fight back and fight back they did and killed all their enemies. Also, Mordecai, a gateman whom Haman thought was beneath him to kill alone and therefore decided to kill all the Jews became the number two man in the kingdom. Beloved, the Jewish nation was spared and healed of the satanic plot to eliminate the Jews through the Holy Spirit guided actions of Esther.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Gift of Mothers

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Mary – discreet, humble and faithful
Loved and served God
Favored by God
Carried Jesus in her womb

Jochebed – discreet and nurturing
Hid Moses, put him in the River
Raised Aaron and Miriam
Used by God to raise three national leaders in Israel

Hannah – trusted in God
Prayed and vowed
Redeemed her vow
And blessed Israel with Prophet Samuel

King Lemuel’s mother,
An exceptional mother
Godly view and understanding of kingship
Instructed her son
To rule in the fear of God and be a blessing to humanity

How about Lois, the grandmother of Timothy
Generational transfer of the gospel to
Eunice, the mother of Timothy
And the mother of John Mark
Gave up her home and time
For prayers for the Church
Peter was spared untimely death
John Mark served with the Apostle Paul

Do you know God?
Love Him, believe Him and trust Him?
So that your child is a blessing to humanity?
Happy Mother’s day.

The Place of Tithing in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Tithing is the principle of divine portion that requires a child of God and nations in covenant relationship with God to give a certain percentage of their income to God for the work of the kingdom particularly the upkeep of the servants of God as well as the preaching of the gospel. Tithes are meant for the well being of the Levites, their upkeep and for doing the work of the Lord. Please see Nehemiah Chapter 13 verses 9 to 13, Leviticus Chapter 27 verses 30 to 34 and Numbers Chapter 18 verses 21 to 32. Jesus is the foundation of tithing. Please see Hebrews Chapter 7 verses 1 to 10, Genesis Chapter 13 verses 18 to 20.  It is a commandment from God for a Church to take tithes from members. Abraham tithed to Melchisedec King of Salem in Genesis Chapter 13 verses 18 to 20 and in Genesis Chapter 28 verse 22, Jacob promised to tithe to God.

The tithe is ten percent and nothing less. Do not ever underpay and pay promptly. Be humble and tell yourself the truth when tithing. While tithes are a fixed ten percent of your income, offerings are dependent on the generosity of the giver. In point of fact, the Bible says that God loves a cheerful giver. There is no point being generous if your heart is not cheerful and willing. Such offerings like poor monetary investments do not produce high yields. Offerings should be given willingly for them to be acceptable to God. Please see Exodus Chapter 25 verse 1. God instructed Moses to receive offerings that were given willingly. In addition, the Apostle Paul instructed New Testament believers to give willingly and not by compulsion (2nd Corinthians Chapters 8 verses 1 to 3, 12;  9 verses 2, 5). Significantly, every time people give willingly to God and for the work of the kingdom of God, they are blessed beyond measure by God. Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 35 verses 7 to 8. King Josiah of Judah and the leadership of Judah gave willingly for the Passover. The Israelites willingly brought offerings for the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness (Exodus Chapters 35 verses 5, 21 to 29; 36 verses 4 to 7).

In Malachi Chapter 3 verses 8 to 12,  believers are instructed to pay the tithe  and give generous offerings where God wants you to give them and not necessarily where you want to give them (Jeremiah Chapter 4 verse 3). Where God wants you to tithe and give generous offerings is the Bible believing Church where the Holy Spirit is accorded respect and given freedom to operate fully; so that He guides, teaches and directs the people of God to profit (Isaiah Chapter 48 verse 17) where the truth of God is upheld and reigns above the doctrines and philosophies of men, where the Lordship of Jesus is celebrated and God is the head of the Church and everyone submits to God.

It is also the place where every member of the Church counts – no one is favored above the other and everyone is treated with respect and honor, no partiality in judgment, service, etc. that Church is also where you worship and serve God in truth and in spirit.

The Place of Divine Guidance in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

It is the will of God to guide His people and the nations of the world. In point of fact, God delights in guiding His people and the nations of the world in every area of life (Psalms 78 verses 52 to 55, 107 verses 4 to 7, 23 to 30, 73 verse 24, 32 verse 8, 37 verse 23, Isaiah Chapters 42 verse 16, 45 verses 1 to 3, 13, 48 verse 17 and 23 verses 23 to 29, Exodus Chapter 15 verses 13 to 14.

The reason God guides His people and the nations is to provide divine direction for His people so that they arrive at His desired destination that is safe, prosperous and comfortable for them (Psalm 23, Genesis Chapter 26 and Isaiah Chapter 58 verse 11). Destination is not only physical but spiritual, financial, material, intellectual, mental, marital, parental and in as many dimensions that He chooses to. God knows the end from the beginning created you and the nations for purposes that only He can help you achieve through His divine guidance.

God’s divine guidance for divine direction always brings about prosperity, increase, wealth, security, greatness, salvation, deliverance, expansion, comfort, joy, fulfillment, health in spite of what the circumstances are. Any individual, family, community, nation that seeks divine guidance and direction from God will definitely experience and enjoy divine direction, counsel, instruction in righteousness that will ultimately lead to divine provision, success in business, career, academics, scientific breakthroughs, artistic excellence and what have you.

Elijah was well fed during the period of drought from the brook Kidron to the home of the widow of Zarephath. Isaac prospered at a time when other farmers were complaining of famine and poor harvests because he followed divine direction from God (Genesis Chapter 26, Isaiah Chapter 58 verse 11 and Psalm 23). David was amply supplied, sustainable food security as well as military, political, financial security because he allowed God to shepherd him to green pastures.

David understood this clearly and always sought guidance and divine direction from God (1st Samuel Chapter 30 verses 1 to 8, 1st Chronicles Chapter 14 verses 8 to 17, 15 verses 13, 2nd Samuel Chapter 5 verses 17 to 25).

King Solomon followed in his father’s steps and sought guidance from God on how to lead the nation of Israel after he became King. God was so pleased with the decision of Solomon that He added other things that Solomon did not request for (1st Kings Chapter 3 verses 5 to 15). Other Kings who sought divine guidance for divine direction and help from God include Jehoshaphat (2nd Chronicles Chapters 17 verses 3 to 19, 18 verses 1 to 18, 20 verses 1 to 32); Uzziah (2nd Chronicles Chapter 26 verses 1 to 5) and Hezekiah (2nd Chronicles Chapter 32 verse 22).


The Place of Genuine Repentance in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

One of the weapons of warfare is repentance.

All sin is meant to be acknowledged and repented of as stated in 1st John Chapter 1 verses 8 to 10, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 7 verses 13 to 14, Joel Chapter 2 verses 12 to 32, Jonah Chapter 3, 1st Kings Chapter 18; and then God Who is compassionate and rich in mercy forgives. Unfortunately, not everyone acknowledges, confesses and repents of sin. There are people and nations who always excuse their sins and blame their utterances and actions on the utterances and actions of other people. Rather than admit their wrong doing to God and repent, they blame other people. God is never pleased with such people as what pleases God is a contrite and broken spirit.

True healing for the nations and individuals and people start when they genuinely turn away from their evil ways to God in repentance, thus re-establishing fellowship with God, and the presence of God in their lives.

A number of Biblical cases attest to this. Adam and Eve excused their disobedience to God, the first sin that got humans into trouble away. They both played the game – Adam blamed his wife and his wife blamed the serpent. Please see Genesis Chapter 3. Their son Cain did not blame anyone though; but he did not admit to wrong doing. Rather, he said that his punishment was too much for him. Please see Genesis Chapter 4 verses 1 to 16.

King Saul of Israel also played the blame game not once but twice. He blamed the people for his actions – first he offered burnt offerings to God – what he was not qualified to do (1st Samuel Chapter 13 verses 1 to 14). Secondly, he spared Agag, the King of Amalek, the best of the sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, the lamb, and all that was good. In point of fact, the Bible records that Saul and his men were unwilling to utterly destroy them as commanded by God. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 15. And when confronted with his sin, he said the spared goods were to offer a sacrifice to God. Significantly, he eventually acknowledged his sin but only after Samuel told him that God had rejected him from being king. It is also instructive that he did not repent but wanted Samuel’s company around him just to gain honor despite being told that he had lost the throne. Saul was more interested in the honor and applause of men more than the grace and mercy of God. Eventually like every other unrepentant sinner, he lost the presence of God and fellowship with God (Genesis Chapters 3 verses 22 to 24, 4 verse 16, 1st Samuel Chapter 16 verses 14 to 23, 18 verses 10 to 12) ; key requirements to healing the nations. In his quest to hear from God, he turned to divination and eventually died in battle. Please see 1st Chronicles Chapter 10 verses 1 to 14.

David sinned severally against the Lord and each time the prophet of God accosted David with his sin, he acknowledged the sin and repented of the sin. Two examples will suffice. David numbered the men of Israel and incurred the wrath of God against the nation (1st Chronicles Chapter 21). David immediately repented when accosted and begged God to allow the judgment fall on him and his family. Additionally he quickly offered the required sacrifices to God and judgment that had begun against the land was stayed. The other example was his sinful liaison with Bathsheba and the consequent murder of Uriah and acquisition of Bathsheba as wife (2nd Samuel Chapters 11 and 12). When Nathan the prophet confronted David with his son, David acknowledged his sin and humbled himself in genuine repentance before God.
Manasseh sinned greatly against the Lord yet when he repented, God forgave him and stayed judgment (2nd Chronicles Chapter 33, note verses 10 to 16).

King Rehoboam of Judah and his people repented of their sins against God and they were spared the destruction planned against them by the King of Egypt. Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 12.

Whenever individuals, families, Churches, communities and organizations as well as nations genuinely repent of their sins before God and turn away from such sins, God forgives and brings healings in diverse areas.

Genuine repentance by the people and the leadership of the people helps to turn the wrath, judgment and condemnation of God from the people and the land as well as seal up every access and legal ground that the enemy had to afflict the people because of sin and God’s anger. Repentance and acknowledgment of sin is therefore a critical first step to healing the nations as it is one of the weapons of spiritual warfare. In every Holy Spirit backed intercession for peoples, nations, and the land, the intercessors commenced intercession by acknowledging their sin/s as a nation, repenting of such sins and asking for God’s mercy and forgiveness.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...