Friday, April 28, 2017

Healing Streams 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Beloved, you and I can become God’s vessels of healing streams if we yield ourselves completely to God and allow Him to purge us of every pollution that could interfere or hinder His healing flow through our lives. Take for instance these very instructive Scripture references Proverbs Chapters 11 verses 18 to 20; 15 verse 7. A person with a caustic tongue who does not care about the emotions of other people can be not likely carry God’s healing flows because his or her caustic tongue will inflict wounds that may never heal in the hearts of people if God does not intervene. The Bible records in that same Proverbs Chapter 11 verses 18b that the tongue of the wise promotes health. How?

According to the Bible, the tongue of the wise or learned given to him or her by God knows how to speak a word in season to whoever is weary. Please see Isaiah Chapter 50 verses 4 to 5. This is further corroborated in Isaiah Chapters 52 verse 7; 61 verses 1 to 4, Luke Chapter 4 verses 18 to 19. A person’s tongue brings healing to people by proclaiming good tidings, peace, salvation, glad tidings of good things, the Lordship of God over everyone and all things, the sovereignty of God, the power of God. Such proclamations bring hope, joy and happiness, healing to the broken hearted and the nations, liberty to those who are mentally and spiritually caged, bring comfort and joy to those who mourn, praise to those whose spirits are heavy. Beloved, Scriptures in Proverbs Chapters 15 verses 4, 7, 30; 12 verse 25; 17 verse 22; 18 verse 4 and 20 verse 15 corroborate this.

You carry God’s grace for healing the nations and that grace is the key to your financial abundance. The enemy attempts to stop you by polluting your mental processes so that the grace of God does not flow because it is when the grace flows that overwhelming abundance flows to you. Lying tongues, deceptive tongues as well as hearts laden with envy, pride, jealousy, bitterness, resentment and tale bearing cannot carry the healing flows of God. Please see Proverbs Chapters 26 verses 18 to 28, Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 15 and Matthew Chapter 12 verses 34 to 37. All of these are like polluted streams which do not bring healing because the water is polluted and polluted waters cause death and barrenness. The polluted water of Jericho is a classic example. It made the land unproductive and caused barrenness but after it was healed, the land became productive and there was an end to deaths caused by the water. Beloved, the flow from your spirit, soul and body on account of your mental processes, utterances and actions can make other people productive or barren depending on what you project and convey. On the other hand, a vessel or conduits of God’s healing streams should make every attempt to ensure that the stream is not polluted. This is because any form of pollution will make it difficult or impossible to fulfill your calling in life.

Healing Streams 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Polluted streams do not bring healing to the people around the stream, the struggling, or tired or weary or thirsty traveler in need of a refreshing cup of water or dip in the water. Polluted streams are sources of barrenness, unproductivity, sickness and death as in the case of the polluted waters of Jericho described in 2nd Kings Chapter 2 verses 19 to 21. Rather than bless the people of the land, the polluted waters of Jericho poisoned and harmed the people of the land. It made the land unproductive or barren and consequently death in the land. Ideally, water should give life but when that water brings about what does not give life, then there is a problem.

On the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, the Israelites got to Marah after searching for water to drink endlessly for three consecutive days in the wilderness. Unfortunately the waters of Marah were polluted, were bitter and undrinkable. At this point, the people could take it no more so they complained against Moses. Moses’s response is very significant. He cried out to God and God showed him a tree which he cast into the waters. The Bible records that the waters were made sweet thereafter and the people were able to drink from it.

Beloved, every polluted stream/water body requires divine touches and healings from the Lord to become healing streams that bring God’s healing, life, refreshment and transformation to the people of God. The waters of Jericho became healed by the Lord after Elisha cast in the salt at the source of the water.

God Loves You

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Loves me?
How dare you say that?
Why not, He loves you truly
Please, do not say that
But He loves you absolutely
I do not believe you
You really should
He created you, yet you sinned
He did not give up on you
And I experience all these?
Nothing compared to the price He paid for you
Price, what price?
He gave His only Son Jesus for you
Jesus shed His blood for the remission of your sins as well as freedom from all forms of satanic captivity
So, does He love you?

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Can you trust Him and surrender it all?
Does He deserve your total surrender?
What if He fails?
Scripture cannot be broken
God does not fail; He has never failed and will never fail.
What if you disappoint Him?
Ask for forgiveness and forsake your sins
He will forgive and cleanse every sin
One of the reasons Jesus died on the cross
As atonement for your sins
Surrender it all and enjoy GRACE

The great work of God.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

His name is Jesus

Written by Uyoyou Charles-Iyoha

Author and Finisher of our Faith
First born from the dead
The Ruler over the kings of the earth
Alpha and Omega

The Faithful and True Witness
The Beginning of the creation of God
The Power and Wisdom of God
The Lion of the tribe of Judah

The Root of David
Who has the key of David
The Word of God, Author of Peace
The sharp two edged sword

He is the First and the Last
Jesus, Emmanuel, Counsellor
Mighty God, Prince of Peace
Everlasting Father, Wonderful

Savior, Healer, Sanctifier
Justifier, Provider, The Good Shepherd
The Way, the Truth and the Life
The Bread of Life, The Rose of Sharon


Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Confused, uncertain, indecisive
I have no idea
Except that I am unsure
Whether to turn left or right
Say Yes or No
So many echoes, whispers, voices
Right or wrong
True or False
Misleading or giving true direction
Lord, I need your help
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead
To raise me from the crossroads of life

Healing the Nations Through Forgiveness 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Prodigal Son and His Father – Luke Chapter 15 verses 11 to 32

The prodigal son is an interesting case study of some mothers do have them! Generally, sons and daughters and whoever inherits after the demise of their parents or benefactors. But the prodigal son chose to have his inheritance even when his father was still alive. He went to his father and requested for his inheritance. His father obliged him and not quite long he lost everything to riotous living and began to live in penury. Close to eating pods - what he served to pigs as their meal, he did a rethink. He had lived wrongly and had wronged his father. He did a u-turn and returned home. Fortunately for him, his father lovingly accepted him back. The relationship between father and son was restored through repentance, forgiveness and acceptance.

Realization and acknowledgement of sin, repentance, forgiveness and acceptance culminate in the healing process and restoration of relationships. Relationships are very central to God. That explains why the Bible gives a number of instances of relationships that went awry and how God intervened and the relationships were restored. Beginning with Adam and Eve, through Sarah and Hagar, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, the prodigal son and his father, John Mark  and the Apostle Paul, the Apostles Paul and Peter, God and us, the people of Israel, David. Manasseh.

To ensure the restoration of relationships, God gave believers principles for managing relationships. They are in the Bible. Forgiveness is one of them and very key – we are to forgive as many times as people hurt us, sin against us; we are also to ask forgiveness of other people when we offend them; we are to acknowledge our sins and repent of them, we are to tolerate one another in love, speak up and rebuke one another in love rather than bottle up and live in anger, resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness. We are to share information that transforms rather than gossip and we are to pray for one another rather than project ill will. That way, we will have wholesome individuals, communities and nations.

Healing the Nations Through Forgiveness 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Joseph and His Brothers – Genesis Chapters 37, 39, 40, 41 and 42
There was a rift in the nation of Israel. Joseph and his brothers were estranged because the older brothers of Joseph envied Joseph. Why? Joseph carelessly shared his dreams of global leadership with them. Secondly, their father loved Joseph more and what began as envy progressed to hatred – they did not speak peaceably with him.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on which side of the divide you are in, Joseph played into their hands when in obedience to his father’s instructions went out to look for his brothers in the field. They took advantage of this opportunity to kill Joseph. But for Reuben’s intervention, Joseph would have been killed. He was sold into slavery and for about fifteen years, Joseph lost contact with his biological family. He served as a servant and later overseer in Potiphar’s house before he was thrown into prison on account of the carefully orchestrated lies of Potiphar’s wife. It was her word against his. Eventually, God orchestrated events that brought Joseph before Pharaoh and Joseph became a leader in Egypt. Dreams fulfilled but family and nation rift was still there. And because God usually restores all things, including healing nations through healing the skewed up relationships in the nations, He orchestrated events that brought them together.

His brothers came to buy grain in Egypt in Egypt. Joseph recognized them but they did not recognize Joseph. The healing process had begun. Joseph could have chosen to be vindictive, throw them in prison for life, refuse them grain and send them away empty handed to die of hunger and starvation, kill them on trumped up charges. He did not tow any of these paths rather he tested them and when he saw that they were repentant, the Bible records that Joseph turned away from them and wept (Genesis Chapter 42 verses 21 to 26). He also filled their sacks with grain, returned their money and gave them provisions for the journey. Joseph was not the only one being healed. His brothers were also being healed. Deep conviction of sin for the way they treated Joseph had come upon them. They regretted their actions. So there was acknowledgment of sins and repentance on the part of his brothers and forgiveness on the part of Joseph who did not hold any grudges against them. Yet, he tested them again. He deliberately put his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack and sent his steward after them. The brothers almost died when the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack. They opted to serve as slaves in Benjamin’s place and when Joseph insisted that the rest of them could return to Canaan, Judah offered to serve as a slave to Joseph just so Benjamin could be free to return to his father. At that point, Joseph realized that his brothers were changed men and he made himself known to them. Were they afraid? Definitely! But Joseph told them they were serving the purpose of God when they sold him to Egypt for indeed God was the One who sent him to Egypt in order to preserve their own lives as the famine was also severe in Canaan. He advised them not to blame each other. He then wept over them, kissed them and gave them gifts.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Healing the Nations Through Forgiveness 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

To err is human while to forgive is divine. The healing of the nations is usually preceded by the acknowledgment of sin, repentance and forgiveness after which healing and restoration begins. 2nd Chronicles Chapter 7 verse 14.

The Bible is replete with teachings, instructions and commandments to forgive people who hurt one another. They include Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 32, Matthew Chapter 18 verses 21 to 35, Colossians Chapter 3 verses 12 to 23, and Luke Chapter 17 verses 3 to 4.

Jesus Christ and Peter
Peter denied Jesus Christ three times yet Jesus did not renege on His promise to Peter. Please see Matthew Chapter 16 verses 15 to 19, John Chapter 21 verses 15 to 22, Acts Chapter 2 verses 14, 4 verse 8. Jesus Christ knew that Peter would deny Him yet He prayed for Peter ahead of the temptation and denial (Luke Chapter 22 verses 31 to 34, 54 to 62). The devil wanted to make nonsense of Peter’s faith but God intervened through intercession for Peter. He also forgave Peter and never mentioned the incident after the resurrection. Rather, He commissioned Peter to take care of the early Church.

Significantly, Peter led the early Church. It is also significant to note that Peter repented – he wept bitterly after the rooster crowed.

Esau and Jacob
These are twin brothers that should have been extremely close to one another yet at different points, wrong relational attitudes and actions caused a rift of hatred that made Esau want to kill his twin brother. Fortunately, Jacob fled early enough from Esau’s anger, hatred and sword. Their relationship at that point in time had degenerated to that of enemies – Esau was angry that Jacob cunningly stole his birth right and proceeded from there to steal the blessings their father Isaac wanted to give to Esau.

The relationship between Isaac and Rebekah coupled with the way they related to the children contributed to the degeneration that took place in their relationship. Isaac loved Esau because he ate of his game while Rebekah loved Jacob. That was enough to create discord and schism among the brothers. Please see Genesis Chapters 25 verses 27 to 34 and 27 verses 1 to 45. For many years, the brothers were separated from each other. Jacob had married wives, had children just as Esau had done long before Jacob thought of getting married. However, the situation in Laban’s home and country was no longer conducive for Jacob and his family. He decided to return home. But he had to take care of the relationship between him and his twin brother Esau. He sent emissaries to Esau and became afraid when they returned and told him that Esau was coming out with four hundred men to meet him. At that point in time, Jacob asked God for intervention. Please see Genesis Chapter 32 verses 1 to 13. God honored the prayer of Jacob and by the time the brothers met, Jacob was shocked as his brother Esau ran to meet him, embraced him, fell on his neck and kissed him. For the first time in many years, they were brothers again and they wept, tears of joy at the reunion and the fact that God spared their lives and kept Esau from killing Jacob in the moment of uncontrolled anger – Genesis Chapter 33 verses 1 to 20.

God healed and restored their relationship. Esau accepted gifts from Jacob and even offered security for Jacob and the children.

Equitable Resource Allocation and Control for Healing the Nations

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons of his house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, and all his substance, which he had got in the land of Canaan; and went into the country from the face of his brother Jacob. For their riches were more than that they might dwell together; and the land wherein they were strangers could not bear them because of their cattle. Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau [is] Edom. Genesis Chapter 36 verses 6 to 8.

Socio-economic injustice issues are a major cause of deep seated resentment that sometimes snowballs into conflicts that sometimes degenerate into wars. Unfortunately, this is to a large extent global. Significantly, socio-economic injustice did not start today. It has always been a part of human existence as individual, families, communities and nations have always contended over resources especially in cases of inequitable resource allocation.

There was contention over resources between Abram and his nephew Lot in the book of Genesis Chapter 13 verses 1 to 18. The land was not able to support them because of inadequate pasture for the large livestock they had acquired over time. This created constant contention and strife over between the herdsmen of Lot and Abram over pasture and probably water, storage and shed facilities for the herds of Abram and Lot.

Abram reflected on the contention and strife which his spirit, soul and body abhorred. He suggested separation so there could be peace. That resolved the issue completely but most significantly expanded Abram’s vision of divine purpose and divine resources for the accomplishment of divine purpose. There was no more distraction, anxious moments occasioned by the constant contention and strife. It was focus and progress all the way. Abram could move forward, uninterrupted in the plans and purposes of God for His life simply because he boldly took the decision to separate from contention and strife.

The herdsmen of Isaac and the herdsmen of Gerar contended over wells of water. Isaac and his herdsmen separated and dug a number of places until they found wells of water that were not contended for. They had peace and flourished in the land. Please see Genesis Chapter 26 verses 12 to 33.

Arise From Slumber

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Arise from slumber
Walk in newness of life
Celebrate new life in Christ Jesus
Your Savior and King

Eat the bread of life daily
Drink, chew, and meditate
On the bread of life
Life giving and life sustaining

Free, abundantly supplied
In His Word of Life
Your Bible, taken off the shelf
Read and studied daily


Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...