Thursday, October 19, 2017

Prayers for Missionaries in Healing the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Missionaries working in mission fields so that the unreached and unchurched can hear the gospel and be saved and become churched so that they can build Christian communities are almost always in the forefront of spiritual warfare. How? They are the ones in the front lines of battle, taking over territories from the enemy so that nations can be healed spiritually of spiritual ignorance and blindness. These courageous and brave people of God alongside their family members require fervent and unceasing prayers from the Church of God. It is therefore my plea that the Church takes up prayers for these wonderful sons and daughters of Zion. I have listed some prayer/praise items to which you can add as many as the Holy Spirit leads you to add. God bless you as you do so in Jesus mighty name.

Ask God to give missionaries favor and wisdom before the government and peoples of the lands in which they serve. Please see Acts Chapter 7 verse 10.

Ask God to strengthen missionaries to continually give themselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Please see Acts Chapter 6 verses 2 and 4.

Pray that God delivers missionaries all over the world from every form of persecution and afflictions. Please see 2nd Timothy Chapter 3 verses 11, 4 verse 17, 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 3 verses 1 to 2; Romans Chapter 15 verses 30 to 31.

Ask God to stand with missionaries all over the world and strengthen them so that the message of the gospel of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will be preached fully through them so that all the unreached peoples of the world will be reached with the saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please see 2nd Timothy Chapter 4 verse 17.

Pray for open doors to countries and peoples that have shut their doors to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please see Colossians Chapter 4 verses 3 to 4, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 2 verse 12, 1st Corinthians Chapter 16 verse 9.

Ask God to break down all such resistance and opposition to the preaching of the gospel. Scripture cannot be broken – Psalms 2; 24 verses 7 to 10; 107 verse 16, Joshua Chapter 6.

Jehovah the Man of War Heals Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Jehovah the Man of war fights for and heals nations that obey and honor Him. One of the ways God demonstrates His power is by taking over the battles of His children and fighting the enemy in His own way and power in order to give victory to His children. That is why the Bible refers to Him as Jehovah the Man of war. The Bible is replete with accounts of how God took over battles from His children and demonstrated His awesome power to the enemies of His people. Please see Exodus Chapters 14 to 15 for what happened to Pharaoh and his choice chariots at the crossing of the red sea. Pharaoh, the finest crop of his army alongside their chariots were drowned in the red sea by God. In verses 14 to 28 of Exodus Chapter 14, the Egyptians acknowledged that God was fighting for the Israelites against the Egyptians. The Bible also records in those verses that God took off the wheels of that chariots so that the soldiers drove the chariots with difficulty. And because they drove with difficulty, they lacked speed and could not flee before the waters of the sea returned to their full depth It is significant to note that every time God fights for His people, it is total elimination of the enemy, his power base and everything the enemy boasts about.  

Another way God fights for His children is to forgive their sins so that the enemy has no legal ground over the children of God. Please see 1st John Chapter 1 verses 7 to 10. God also fights for His children by chastening them. Please see Hebrews Chapter 12 verses 5 to 13 and Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 11 to 12.

Yet another way is by removing the scales of ignorance and satanic blindness. Please see 2nd Corinthians Chapters 3 verses 14 to 17, 4 verses 3 to 4, and Acts Chapters 13 verses 6 to 12 and 8 verses 29 to 39.

God also fights for His children by cancelling and nullifying every accusation of the devil and his cohorts against the children of God with the blood of Jesus Christ and His word. Please see Zechariah Chapter 3 verses 1 to 10 where He rebuked the devil for trying to hinder Joshua the then high Priest of Israel. Please see also Revelation Chapter 12 verses 10 to 11, Jude 9, John Chapter 8 verses 3 to 11, Isaiah Chapters 54 verses 14 to 17, 8 verses 9 to 10.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Heal Nations with the Presence of God

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
The presence of God carries the power of God – Psalm 68 verse 1. The Presence of God is in the Word of God. That is why the Word of God does not return to Him void. The manifest presence of God is in the Word of God. To receive His manifest presence in our midst, we must be truly prepared for Him, consecrated and sanctified. When we are dealing, interacting with the Word of God, we are dealing, interacting with the Person, one of the Personalities of the Godhead who does not lie (1st Samuel Chapter 15 verse 29, Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19); who does not fail (Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 8 to 13) and because He does not change, He makes good every wonderful promise He makes to us.
The Presence of God is not in carefully chosen songs or in certain practiced ways of singing, drumming, dancing, preaching or walking. The Presence of God is in a person’s total yielded-ness to God; to allow God through His Holy Spirit and His word to always have His way in your life irrespective of what you think appears better. Give God the space and He will live in you and your heart at all times. The presence of God is in His word because God is the word made flesh. See John Chapter 1 verses 1 to 5. The ultimate goal of Bible study is fellowship with God, to know God – grow in the knowledge and understanding of God. It is not a legalistic ritual that compels or obliges God to provide for us, protect us or expand us. Rather, it is a daily meeting of reaffirming our love and commitment to God.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Significance of the Word of God in the Healing Process

Written By Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

There is power in the word of God. The power of God is the word of God, the infallible word of God that does not fail. The word of God is precise and accurate which explains why God does not use words in vain. This is because the presence of God is in the word of God. Additionally, the word of God does not return to Him without accomplishing what the word is designed and sent forth to accomplish. Please see Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 6 to 13 and Psalm 107 verses 17 to 20. God sent His word that does not return unto Him void and healed their diseases. In Matthew Chapter 8 verses 5 to 13, the Centurion implored Jesus Christ to send the word by speaking the word so that his servant would be healed. Jesus indeed sent the word and the servant of the Centurion was healed.

Healing starts in the mind. When a person’s mind receives and accepts the truth of the Word of God – I am the God who heals you (I have the capacity and power to heal you; I created you and know how your body works, can see through your body, tell what needs to be repaired, adjusted and restored and more importantly, I am willing to do it and requests healing from God, appropriating all the promises of God concerning healing; rather than worrying and fretting about who is attacking him or her, who wishes him or her dead and therefore wandering  in trackless deserts of divination; the person’s body will respond to messages OF HEALING THAT THE BRAIN WILL SEND to the body. It is what your mind feeds the brain that the brain feeds the body and it is what the brain feeds the body that the body responds to. Wake up daily and tell your body that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...