by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
working in mission fields so that the unreached and unchurched can hear the
gospel and be saved and become churched so that they can build Christian communities
are almost always in the forefront of spiritual warfare. How? They are the ones
in the front lines of battle, taking over territories from the enemy so that
nations can be healed spiritually of spiritual ignorance and blindness. These
courageous and brave people of God alongside their family members require
fervent and unceasing prayers from the Church of God. It is therefore my plea
that the Church takes up prayers for these wonderful sons and daughters of
Zion. I have listed some prayer/praise items to which you can add as many as
the Holy Spirit leads you to add. God bless you as you do so in Jesus mighty
God to give missionaries favor and wisdom before the government and peoples of
the lands in which they serve. Please see Acts Chapter 7 verse 10.
God to strengthen missionaries to continually give themselves to prayer and to
the ministry of the word. Please see Acts Chapter 6 verses 2 and 4.
that God delivers missionaries all over the world from every form of
persecution and afflictions. Please see 2nd Timothy Chapter 3 verses
11, 4 verse 17, 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 3 verses 1 to 2; Romans
Chapter 15 verses 30 to 31.
God to stand with missionaries all over the world and strengthen them so that
the message of the gospel of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will
be preached fully through them so that all the unreached peoples of the world
will be reached with the saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please see 2nd
Timothy Chapter 4 verse 17.
for open doors to countries and peoples that have shut their doors to the
gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please see Colossians Chapter 4 verses 3 to 4,
2nd Corinthians Chapter 2 verse 12, 1st Corinthians
Chapter 16 verse 9.
God to break down all such resistance and opposition to the preaching of the
gospel. Scripture cannot be broken – Psalms 2; 24 verses 7 to 10; 107 verse 16,
Joshua Chapter 6.