Friday, December 29, 2017

Honor the Giver of the Gifts

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Giver of the gifts is more important than the gift. The Giver of the gifts know when it is necessary to use the gifts, how to use the gifts, where to use the gifts, and to what purpose to put the gifts. Besides, He knows best what measure of the gifts to administer at each point in time. Gifts serve specific purposes and after the specific purposes, they may not be necessary or relevant again until God wants them used again.

However, we all need the Giver of the gifts; that is God at all times and at every point in time in our lives. Without Him, the gifts really would not be effective and we would not be any different from unbelievers who use their gifts for purposes that do not glorify God, do not honor or acknowledge God as the Giver of the gifts and do not use the gifts for His purposes. Unbelievers celebrate their gifts and believe that the gifts are more important than God; and a relationship with God. They therefore boast about their exploits from the use of the gifts and believe that their achievements are based on their own power. They do not give the honor to God, do not allow God to direct them on the use of the gift and therefore use it at will and for purposes that do not glorify God. They then behave like Sennecherib who boasted about his conquests thinking he conquered those lands in his own might and like Nebuchadnezzar who learnt the hard way.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing the same challenges in the Church today. Genuine spirit filled believers, ministers of the gospel who commenced ministry fully yielded to God progressively ignore God and His directions to them and begin to emphasize the gifts of God and ministry in them rather than God who called them and gave them the gifts. That is where some believers and ministers miss it. It is great to seek the gifts but is best and greatest to seek and honor the giver of the gifts. This is because in reality the gifts do not really function outside the Giver of the gifts. So if you focus on the gifts at the expense of the Giver of the gifts, you may lose the power and consequently seek power from other sources if you do not make a quick return to the Giver of the gifts.

A minister who puts ministry ahead of his relationship with God and family is headed for trouble. The call to ministry is important but is not more important than your relationship with God. Your relationship to and with God is much more important than ministry. This is because God is the One Who calls a person to ministry and therefore deserves your attention, honor and resources. Besides, He knows exactly what He wants you to do, how to do it and will therefore guide you on how to do it, when and where to do it in addition to leading you to the resources you require for ministry.

Therefore, when you immerse yourself in ministry at the expense of your relationship with God, you will miss it because you would have consciously or unconsciously disconnected yourself from God and when you disconnect yourself from God, you will work in your own flesh and that is where the problem lies. You will not bear fruits, fruits that are of God, which should abide. Rather, you will bear your own fruits which definitely will have no place in God and may never lead to the healing of the nations.

Beloved, a relationship with God, especially a loving and fervent relationship with God is more important than a supposedly flourishing ministry that is disconnected from God, Therefore, concentrate efforts on building a sustainable fervent relationship with God rather than building a ministry that has no place in God so that you can bring God’s healing to the nations.

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