Monday, December 25, 2017

The Responsibility for Leadership

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Leaders are motivated by service, not power. Leaders add value to others by serving them, not by lording it over them. John Maxwell.

True leadership comes by genuine unadulterated service to God and humanity. At various levels, everyone created by God is a leader endowed with divine gifts for leadership albeit service to God and humanity.

To lead effectively, you have to identify your divine gifts for service so that you will provide the right service and leadership. Leaders who have no gifts or people who have not identified their gifts for service are not leaders but rulers who impose themselves on humanity and have nothing to offer the people. They are usually the ones who cannot provide any sense of direction. Rather, they impose hard to obey rules culminating in fear in the land in the bid to coax the people into forced submission.

Leaders on the other hand identify their gifts, serve God and humanity with their gifts, provide direction, and give the people a true sense of self worth thereby giving hope, confidence and assurance to the people. The people are then motivated as opposed to coax to serve and bless the land. Therein comes healing to the land. But if people are coaxed into obedience through intimidation, they are not motivated to give their best. Rather, they do things mechanically to fulfill all righteousness.

Joseph as a leader served God and humanity with his gifts. He gave the fourteen years development plan alongside the strategy for implementation. Additionally, Joseph mobilized and worked with the people to put up the structures that were used for saving up food in the years of abundant harvests. Apparently, Joseph did not sit in a high tower shouting out orders. He proffered direction and also worked with the people. He had resounding success.

Leadership that does not take cognizance of the people is no leadership. To start with, who are you going to lead considering that the greatest asset of any leader are the people s/he leads. A leader who recognizes this usually asks God for wisdom to lead the people in righteousness. King Solomon demonstrated this when he asked God for wisdom to administer the affairs of state. God answered his prayer and Solomon was not only the wisest king of his time but also the wealthiest.

Are you a leader where God planted you – your family, Church, community, nation? Then take responsibility for true leadership and be God’s gift to His people to bring healing tot the nations. Are you a global prayer leader? Focus on fervent intercession for the healing of the nations rather than involvement in the local politics of a local Church that may ultimately water down the grace and unction of God in your life for intercession, especially fervent intercession for the healing of the nations. Sacrifice local Church leadership if need be for God’s call on your life. It is time to move on and PRAY like you have never prayed before; motivating peoples and nations to turn to God. God bless you and keep you as you obey. Shalom.

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