Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Sacrifice of Praise for Healing the Nations 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Do not take what belongs to God and use for yourself. Praise belongs to God and should be given to God alone. He deserves all our praise. The praise due to God should not be given to anyone else. Please see Psalm 47 verses 6 to 7, 69 verse 30.  Praising God goes beyond singing to sharing testimonies of God’s goodness. Your utterances should also glorify God. Praise shortens your journey to the top. If you are not praising God, you are not fulfilling the purpose for which God created you. Carefully choose songs of praise and minister quality praise to God.

God created us to be agents of praise. God is looking for people that will glorify Him. God does not share His glory with anyone, Praise goes directly to God. Intermediaries are not required. Praise should come from the depths of your heart to God.

Why Praise God?

He is the Creator, He commands and they are created, He establishes them forever – Psalm 148 verses 5 to 6; God is good and His name is pleasant– Psalm 135 verse 3; God is worthy to be praised – Psalm 18 verse 3, 48 verse 1; He does wonderful things - Isaiah Chapter 25 verses 1 to 4; He gives rain for the earth so that food grows for all of creation ; His merciful kindness – Psalm 117 verse 2; His mighty acts and greatness – Psalm 150 verse 2; His truth endures forever – Psalm 117 verse 2; Answered prayers – Psalm 118 verse 21; His name is good – Psalm 54 verse 6 ; He strengthened the bars of the gates of Jerusalem and blessed the children – Psalm 147 verses 12 to 13; Praise is good and beautiful – Psalm 147 verse 1, 7 to 8, ; He gives righteous judgments – psalm 119 verse 164.

God inhabits the praises of His people.  Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 5 verses 12 to 14, 20 verses 19 to 25. Besides, praise is a good weapon of warfare. `

How to Praise God

Praises should be  glorious – psalm 66 verse 2;  sung with understanding – for teaching us His statutes – psalm 119 verse 71. Call on the name of God, declare His deeds among the peoples, make mention that His name is exalted, sing to the Lord, cry out and shout. Why? His anger is turned away, He comforts, He brings salvation, is my strength and song and has become my salvation, brought joy, done excellent things, He is great Isaiah Chapter 12 verses 1 to 6
Isaiah Chapter 38 verses 19 to 20 - by making known the truths of God to the children
Isaiah Chapter 42 verses 10 to 13.

With your whole heart – by telling of all your marvelous works – by being glad and rejoicing in God, singing praise to His name. Psalm 9 verses 1 to 2, 111 verse 1
Publicly – Psalm 35 verse 18, 22 verse 22, 149 verses 1, 2, 5, 111 verse 1, 108 verse 3.

Who Should Praise God?

All the peoples – no one is exempted from praising God – Psalm 67 verses 3 to 5, 66 verses 8, 4, 150 verse 6; The saints of God – Psalm 30 verse 4; Seekers of God – Psalm 22 verse 26; The Upright – Psalm 33 verse 1; The kingdoms of the earth – Psalm 68 verse 32; All of creation – Psalm 148 verses 1 to 14, Isaiah Chapter 42 verses 10 to 12 ; Jerusalem – Psalm 147 verse 12; His servants – Psalm 135 verses 1 to 3; Gentiles, all peoples – Psalm 117 verses 1 to 2.

When to Praise God

At all times – Psalm 34 verse 1, 71 verses  6, 14 to 15; Forever – Psalm 61 verse 8, 75 verse 9, 52 verse 9, 111 verse 10; Seven times a day – Psalm 119 verse 164.

Instruments of Praise

Trumpet – Psalm 150 verses 3 to 5;  Timbrels – Psalm 149 verse 3; Tongue-Psalm 71 verse 24; Dances – Psalm 149 verse 3; Song – Psalm 69 verse 30, 28 verse 7, 40 verse 3, 27 verse 6, 33 verse 3; Harp/ten strings – Psalm 33   verses 2 to 3, 71 verse 22; Mouth – Psalm 71 verse 8; Lute – Psalm 71 verse 23.

Benefits of Praise

Increase – God’s blessings – Psalm 67 verses 5 to 7; The fear of God in the nations – Psalm 40 verse 3; Salvation and deliverance from the enemy – Psalm 18 verse 3, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 20 verses 1 to 30, note verses 19, 21 to 22, 28; The presence of God – Psalm 22 verse 3, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 5 verses 11 to 14; Praise from the upright – Psalm 33 verses 1 to 3; Trust in the Lord – Psalm 40 verse 3; Relationships (Peace) Psalm 133.

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