Thursday, February 18, 2021

Proclaim Good Tidings in the Nations 4

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Flourish – Excerpts from Ezekiel Chapter 34 verses 24 to 31

God is healing the nations.

He will place the right shepherd over them.

He will make a covenant of peace with them. He will rid the land of wild beasts so that both deserts and forests are safe for living in and sleeping in. The people will be secure in their land.  The bars of yokes destroyed.  The people will be rescued from the captivity of those who enslaved them. There will be no more plundering by the nations incensed against them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. They will live in safety in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. No one will make them afraid in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Wild animals will not devour them.

He will bless the inhabitants of the nations.  He will also bless the places surrounding His hill. He will send down showers of blessing – the showers will be sent in due season and not out of season. The rain comes when it is required to soften the ground and provide abundant nourishment for the crops planted so that the crops can flourish, blossom and fruit bountiful harvests – Ezekiel Chapter 34 verse 26, Deuteronomy Chapters 11 verse 14, 28 verse 12, Zechariah Chapters 8 verse 12, 10 verse 1, Isaiah Chapter 30 verses 23 to 24. This is why the rain is referred to as showers of blessing – rain in right quantity and at teh right time so that the people will experience and enjoy them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The trees of the field will yield their fruit.  The ground will yield its crops.

God will provide for them a land renowned for its crops – their crops will flourish, produce bountiful harvests that will feed them to overflowing; sold for money and wealth and abundance so that there will be a continuous overflow of abundance in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  They will no longer be victims of famine in the land.  They will no longer bear the scorn of the nations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

God will always be with them.

They are the people of God and the sheep of His pasture; and considering that His pasture is always lush, well watered and full of the good things, the people will always be blessed with goodies by God.

It is a great privilege to be the sheep of God’s pasture. This is because you do not go wandering in countless directions in search of food and security. As the sheep of God residing in the pasture of God, you will be amply supplied with all you require for daily sustenance - food, security, entertainment, you name it. And considering that God’s wall of protective fire is always around His people, ample security is always guaranteed. Please read Zechariah Chapter 2 verse 5, Psalm 125 verses 1 to 3, Psalm 121, 1st Kings Chapter 4 verse 24 and 2nd Kings Chapter 6 verses 8 to 17.

Deserts and forests harbor dangerous and untamed animals which harm and devour humans. To make such places safe, God in His mercy banishes such animals from the deserts and forest places of the lives of the people in the nations so that they do not get harmed and devoured as they go about their daily tasks in the land of the living.

Since God has declared that He is their God, what else do they need if God Who is Almighty and great in power declares that He is their God? Nothing else because everything they need in life is inside of God and God is always willing to give them to His people. Shalom




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